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We Lift Them Up To The Lord - Story Statistics

  1. We Lift Them Up To The Lord Complete

    By Sean J Halford, in Fiction. 01/28/2018 (Updated: 01/28/2018)

    Genres: General Fiction
    Sub-genres: Drama
    • young adult
    • africa
    • no sex
    • coming out
    • serious
    • religion
    • modern
    • death

    While on holiday with his family, all Scott wants is to read, watch the ocean, and have some quiet time away from the pressures of being a straight-A student and captain of the rugby team. His pesky younger brother isn't helping things much, always butting in with questions Scott would rather not answer. For Scott has a secret. As Easter looms, conversations between the brothers grow darker and more poignant as Scott's family deals with emotional wounds that have isolated parents and children from one another.

    • 1 Chapters
    • 7,535 Words
    • 1 Recommendation
    • Everyone
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  1. 1. We Lift Them Up To The Lord
    • 7,535 Words
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