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Siren Call - Story Statistics

  1. Siren Call Long-Term Hold

    By Serelec, in Fiction. 05/05/2021 (Updated: 05/05/2021)

    Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller/Suspense, Paranormal
    Sub-genres: Suspense, General Fantasy, Light Mystery, Romantic Paranormal
    • mature adult
    • gay
    • rural
    • dark
    • love

    One day, the letters from Beck's fiancé stopped arriving.

    Instead of accepting heartbreak, however, he decides to find out just where his fiancé had disappeared off to. It isn't long before Beck traces his lover's steps to Wiccamore, an old island town that most people in the world had never even heard of.

    At every turn, Beck finds himself at odds, either pushed to delve deeper into the island's madness or pressured to leave. If he hopes to uncover his fiancé's fate, however, Beck knows that leaving simply isn't an option.

    • 1 Chapters
    • 2,254 Words
    • Teen
  • Between and
  1. 1. The Town of Wiccamore
    • 2,254 Words
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