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Writing Prompts #390 & #391

Renee Stevens


Happy Friday! I hope everybody is ready for a couple of new prompts!!! For those that don't already know, Comicfan supplies us with a couple of prompts every week to hopefully inspire ideas and simply get people writing. If one of the prompts catches your attention, write it and post it in GA Stories. To have your prompt response considered for the featured prompt response, don't forget to post a link in the thread for the prompt. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections containing only a few "chapters" we have set a limit of five collections per author, any more than this requires prior Admin approval.


Prompt 390 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – beach towel, sock monkey, ceramic bowl, Swiss chocolate, and a turtle.


Prompt 391 – Creative
Tag – Toy Store
You hadn’t noticed when the little toy store opened up but when your coworker showed up with a Marie Antoinette figure with a pop off head you had to find out where they got it. When you finally get the time to go you find a store unlike any have visited before. What is the toy store like?


Last week we featured a very short prompt response, this week I thought we'd go for a little bit longer one with craftingmom's response to Prompt #388. Enjoy!





"Snow? Again? How much more are they expecting?" Avery turned from the french door to the deck. The snow had started up again this morning, laying more inches on top of the eight inches that was already there on Mrs. Andrew's deck.


His blond boyfriend chuckled from the living room where he was flicking the channels from the news back to his favorite show--The Big Bang Theory. "Just another three inches this time."

Avery leaned against the cold window and unconsciously started chewing on his thumbnail. He'd been stuck at Matt's mom's house for over a month now, and while he loved being here with people who cared for him, the fucking snow was driving him crazy. He hadn't let Erin or Matt or Mrs. Andrews know how much he was bothered by it. He knew they were worried about him enough as it was.

Three freakin' inches. That didn't sound like much, but it felt like three feet with the way it covered the roads in its bright white blanket. He hated the snow. When he'd lived with his father, heavy snow meant that school would be canceled, and he'd be stuck at home longer with his father. And his father would drink more. And that would mean Avery would hurt more. He hated being stuck inside in the snow.



To read the rest, go here!

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