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Writing Prompts #392 & #393

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. A couple of things to remember: Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Do to the high number of collections containing only a few "chapters" we have set a limit of five collections per author, any more than this requires prior Admin approval.


Prompt 392 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“What the hell are you watching?”


Prompt 393 – Creative
Tag – The gifts
The first package arrived a week ago. Since then you have gotten a gift a day for nine days now. What did you get and who is sending you the gifts?


We also have the next Poetry prompt!


Poetry Prompt #6
Write your own set of four-lined Elegy stanzas. The theme is 'Remember,' and I encourage all of you to submit your work to Irri for the spring anthology. Keep the rhyme pattern a-b-b-a, use as many stanzas as you like, but maintain a consistent 8-syllable line. Play with it; your poem does not have to be about death or loss, just remembrance. For more information on this type of poetry, visit the thread!


Now for the featured prompt responses, this week we'll feature a past poetry response, plus a response from last week's prompts!


This week I decided to feature a prompt response from the prompt guru himself. Here's comicfan's response to prompt #391:

I normally just ignored most people at the job since the day I got an anonymous letter complaining about the figures I kept on my desk. While most of the office was married and kept pictures of their children, wives, or husbands on their desks, I was unmarried. So to bring a little smile to my face I had found five little figures of Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman, and the Flash to brighten up my little corner of the office. Instead I got a note complaining about the sexist portrayal of women and how the men had unrealistic body images. Last time I looked they were cartoons and comic book character so how real could they be?


While I never even noticed most of what my coworkers had on their desk, I found the whole thing really upsetting and hid my little collection in desk drawer. So while everyone else had plants and photos, my desk ended up being bare.


All things change and the change for me came when Annemarie was hired. She was short blonde bubble of energy. She seemed to float into the office from the day she was hired with a smile and wicked sense of humor that made everyone smile. Two weeks in and she had the desk along side of me.


“Alright gloomy. Why don’t you ever chat or hang out with anyone here at the office?” Annemarie finally asked me when she came in for work on Monday.


“I’m not gloomy.”


“Sure you’re not. Pigs fly, and look out there, money does grow on trees.”


To read the rest, click here.


For the poetry prompt response, I decided to feature Irritable1's response to Poetry Prompt #5:

Guardian angels wingless in the gloom
keep my fears at bay, enring this room.
Wild-eyed toddlers shrieking in the park,
your noise and mess will lighten this dark.
Fierce-lipped grandmas scrambling on the bus,
your tenacity must innerve us.
Loud pierced teens swaggering in the street,
your compassion sets examples sweet.
All you secret protectors, come near,
strength and gentleness are needed here.


To review, go here!

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  • Site Administrator

Two great prompts this week.  :) I'm already working on the next installment of Nate and Jonathan's story.  I like Prompt 393, too so I may do two prompts this week if I can find the time and energy! 

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"What the hell are you watching?" ---- brought back a particularly embarrassing yet hilarious event from my teenage years.  Just might have to share :P

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