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Author Interview: Carl Holiday



Have you downloaded your copy of the Signature Background for February yet? There's still time! Today we're featuring an interview with Carl Holiday, all about him, his writing, and a little about how Hold 32 came into being!


Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?
I’m more of a dairy and grains kind of guy.


Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?
I make it up at night, before I use it. It’s not like the housing inspectors will be coming along and give me demerits for sloppy housekeeping.


What brought you to GA?
I was out on the web looking for gay (or, gay written) stories and discovered Gay Authors. At the time, I was working on a long story and publishing it on Nifty when I was contacted by someone here and the rest is history.


Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Yes, getting in enough humor because it’s so vital to the human psyche.


Do you have any writing rituals?
No, not since I moved in with my son in October 2011.


How did you come up with the plumber idea for Hold32 based on the anthology theme ‘Walk on the Wild Side’?
There will come a time in the far future (if we’re not obliterated by an asteroid or massive Yellowstone sized volcano) when humans will venture forth in humongous space vessels seeking a new planet they can pollute with rapt abandon.


Did the characters or the plot come to you first?
Plot first, characters and tiger second.


Did you ever think up the alternative method for them that you didn’t share with the short story?
No, they had their work to do and it has to be done. They probably have a union approved directive stating their need to get the job done. How they did it was up to them.


What are your future projects? Do you ever think you’ll go back to these guys?
1) Finish Hercules III. Honest, there is an end in sight; it’ll just take a while; unless, of course, a plot change occurs.


2) Depending on unknown circumstances, I’ll probably start work on another long story; humongous star ships seem to be a sub-genre I can live in.


Guys in Hold 32 again? No, I don’t see ever coming to another story about plumbers. Although, a long, long time ago (decades), I was working on a long story centered around a plumbing company, Petersen Plumbing, located in North Park (favorite fictional town) in Washington state.

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