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Writing Prompts #412 & #413

Renee Stevens


So, I'm running a bit behind today, but the prompts are back! Last week there were no prompts due to the release of the poetry anthology. Hopefully one of these two prompts will inspire you to write something. Don't forget to share them, and maybe you'll be the featured prompt response next week. Don't forget, prompt responses under 1,000 words, must be posted as part of a collection.


Prompt 412 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“What time are we supposed to be there?”


Prompt 413 – Creative
Tag – The Death
You were hired to do make up on a new science fiction show. You went in to do the makeup on the star only to find him dead on his couch, wearing only his robe. What do you do?


This week I decided to share Atruefan's response to Prompt #410. Enjoy!




An Afternoon in the Park

“Jimmy, be careful!” Grandma said as she turned to her friend, “It’s tough watching over a six-year-old, he gets into everything. I love having him visit, but, I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to do it.”


She watched her grandson playing in the green grass, hoping he wouldn’t get too dirty. He was having so much fun! She talked to her friend for a bit when he came running up to her.

“Grandma, Grandma, did you see it? There was a bunny and I got to touch him!”

“That’s wonderful, Jimmy, what did he do then?”

“He hopped away and I followed him, he went to some flowers and started eating them.”


Read the rest, here.

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  • Site Administrator

Yay!  Prompts!  Maybe I'll actually write one this week.  :)

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Someone bring the smelling salts, I think I'm going to faint!


Thanks Comicfan!


Now to get to this week's prompts!

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Atruefan prompt and stories are really really great! You should go take a look at it people it'll make your day brighter! ;)

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