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Why Do I Feel So Bad....

Today I was having a conversation with a co-worker who work in Minneapolis (about 4 hours away). She started talking all dark and about how she didn't want to live anymore and how she was done with our team and the company we work for.


I got really scared for her and went to my local HR person and talked with her and shared the text messages that were traded. I landed up talking to her HR counter part in MPLS and provided her the documentation plus some other things my friend had told me.


My boss and the HR person talked with her and she assured them that she was fine but that she appreciated their concern. My boss contacted me to tell me that I did the right thing and that she didn't notice (she sits 2 cubes away) the small things I pointed out that are tell tale signs of someone not doing well. My teammate had packed up her desk and done a few other things.


We are going through another company re-organization but not one on our team is effected. This is the 3rd re-org this year alone. Most of the office in MPLS is being let go and this could have played a part in it.


Despite everyone telling me I did a good thing... I feel terrible and I know I would have felt worse had she done something.


I guess its human nature to feel this way.

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  • Site Administrator


You definitely did the right thing.  :hug:  Good for you. I'm sure knowing that everyone cares so much means a lot to her, especially since she's in such a vulnerable state. 

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I agree that you did the right thing. It's hard to do things like this because you have to choose between the trust they put in you and helping them. Helping them is always the right answer. :hug:

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Emi GS


Exactly as Cynus said... You did the right thing and You don't have feel bad about it.... :)

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You are the Good Samaritan here, Edward.  There's no need for you to have any remorse.

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If I'm ever in that position, I hope someone like you is around. That was a courageous thing to do. 

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Thanks everyone.... It was a tough day today since she was giving me the cold shoulder. My boss made the comment that my friend is now being overly nice and it's scaring some people.

Former Member


Never feel bad about being a good guy. At a time when selfishness is common place, it's nice to see there are still good folks out there like you.

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