What a day
So today has been totally weird.
First I was the only member of my team in Des Moines as the others were out on a job today. I've had an escalated issue yeh big boss gave me to do and it hasn't been easy. Well today I asked someone from her office to try and look something up for me and she got the same results so she asked another person to look it up. Mean while it dawns on this guy that it was his customer. He calls me asking what I am doing as he's been trying to fix this account. My response was "insert boss's boss" gave it to me as an escalation and I am working on it and it hasn't been easy. Needless to say he really screwed a customer's account that our IT people can't even figure out what he did. He started complaining and worrying and going on and on. Well obviosuly he didn't like the fact I was working it. So it told him the big boss gave it to me and not to worry. Fat chance now. So big boss returns from visiting out in the field with the others. I asked her about his training and what he's gone through. She said not much why? I said you know that escalation you gave me? She said yes..... I showed her IT's response and told her that he admitted it was him who screwed the account. She got this look and I know he will be very unhappy Friday when shes back in Minneapolis. She and I talked and I told her I told him I was working it and not to touch it. She agreed. I told my boss to calm the other guy down that esclalations aren't a bug deal. She said what escalation, I didn't give you anything. I said big boss did and she copied you on the emails and a few minutes goes by and she goes so she did. So I had to explain it all to her and she asked me what big boss's face looked like when I told her. (I should mention this conversation with my boss is via a chat program) So I expalined the look and she said he will be screwed six weeks from Friday when big boss is back. I feel bad that I had to rat him out but she would have known any how because we had a trace on who helped him and him admitting it made my job easier.
So big boss and I talked before I left as she is Omaha bound in the AM. She said not to worry and would see me first week of February.
So I came home shut off my work phone.... and I read Mark's 9-11 and another story on a different site and I sign into facebook. I have a bunch of message from T who I mentioned in another blog. Why is your phone off I REALLY need to talk to you. I responded because my day is over. He said please call me. Alright so I did. He had this $4,500 accessory order that he has been flipping out over. He has called me constantly and the one day I swear he was on the verge of tears over it. We had to fight to get the accessories ordered and used my inter-office connections to do it. Well today the customer only received half his inventory and T was freaking out. I asked if he tracked it and he said yes but I only show one shipment delivered and one on the way. So I fired up my ipad and was able to tell him the customer has an additional 20 or so boxes coming that were delayed because of the snow in the east. He has said ok thats fine and we hung up. I swear not more than 5 minutes later did my text go off. T: Are you sure? Me: Yes T: How sure? Me: Well unless FedEx steals them I am confident they will arrive. No response came until later. T: I just want to make sure they are coming. ME: I showed you the tracking numbers if you are that bored sit there and refresh the page . T: Well I'll take your word for it.
So I am not sure how to take today. it has been odd all over and this last part of the night made me wonder how T is going to survive in his position. He's a great guy but when he gets these panic attacks its annoying becuase he won't give up even when I assure him.
To top things off my trip Friday out to Cedar Rapids was canceled. I also have a co-worker up in Minneapolis who wants to do dinner before our meetings since she knows we are coming in early the first week of Februrary.
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