Life and the need to vent
So if you read my status you will see that I have had a real rough last 2 days.
Yesterday I found out that my job in in jeopardy because I have exhausted my family medical leave time. If my doctor doesn't fill out the papers for short term disability for time I was out and if Verizon doesn't excuse the days through another program I will be terminated. Mind you they are medically excused absences and Verizon doesn't care. Use more time than you're allowed they will fire you and since Maryland is an at will state good luck on that. I've talked to my boss and MetLife. I've called my doctor but he has ignorant people working for him so when I see him on May 29th he and I will be having a conversation. I also applied for a new job last night and they had the application less than 24 hours before dumping it.
So this whole debacle landed up derailing my plans for the weekend for an escape for a much needed vacation. I planned to meet my best friend Melanie and go to Deep Creek Lake out in far western Maryland. Since I now have to account and save every penny that is out as an option.
My second blow was today did not go as planned. There was a fight amongst several family members and I had to play referee. It also didn't help matters that it interfered with my nieces 4th b-day. I would expalin more but its complicated and hard to follow.
Third blow came today... I blogged about a new friend Matt at the end of January beginning of February. He and I hit it off very well and were talking quite constantly. He then one day stopped answering my text. I had no other way to reach him since I had no email and we met on Tumblr and his account was closed due to violating terms or some crap. We talked after that and even met up since he lived close by and we had tons in common. When the texting or should I say iMessaging stopped I was curious as to why. He couldn't say he didn't get the message because my phone showed me delivered and read. I basically wrote him off and posted in here about people not being able to tell you they no longer want to talk. That is how I made a new friend who I talk to constantly and have an open chat with right now and I know he will read this so here is my shout out to harcallard (gosh I hope I got that right.... don't want to use your real name people might not know who you are). He and I have become real close as friends and I know I can tell him anything. He was good at lofting my spirits and I do the same for him.... at least I hope.
So.... a week ago I stumbled upon Matt's new tumblr. I didn't know what to think. I talked about it at length with Harcallard and wasn't sure what to do. Do I stalk him, confront him, forget him what? Let's just say I've done everything but directly confront him. I wrote a quick note on my tumblr ( it is nsfw fyi) tonight about after discovering there were something about Matt that were a complete lie. I can understand people who are closeted and insecure in their sexuality as I have been there myself. What irks me is the fact that a whole lot of what happened was a lie. If you are not comfortable being friends with people then you really should go and hide. I am recently out of the closet to my immediate family and it did not go over so well. Matt knew this and was there for me when it happened. To find out a lot of what he told me was a lie is what really hurts. Harcallard is trying to talk me out of tp'ing his trees and egging his house, not that I ever would.
So life decided to dump a shit load of lemons on me and did give me any sugar for my lemon-aid. I have to sit back and figure out what I am going to do about work and for now on will avoid Matt if he bothers to try and contact me.
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