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Day 2 of 2014

Well it has been an interesting start to 2014.


Started off the new year with some snow, which won't be going anywhere any time soon since we won't be above 10 degrees for a while.


Today was probably the most interesting day.


There were these two guys I made friends with when I was in training in Chicago, we'll call them T and J. Both great looking and both married with children (not the show).


I am assigned to T as a buddy to get him though his first couple months after training. We talk on a constant basis daily about sales issues he runs into but he knows with my job I support a whole bunch of people and conduct web trainings. Well today I was do a web training for a customer and T called me 8 times, texted constantly and emailed me. I answered each time except the calls telling him I was in a training and would call him back. To no end he kept going and texting. So when I was done my conference call and training I had a debrief with a team-mate H. She and I were talking and she said you kept cutting out when we talking and I said I kept getting calls. I purposly talked to H longer than I needed to since she and I are working on a project together and she's in Omaha, so its hard to put out heads together. So I got around to calling T back. He says to me you had me worried. I said why I answered your texts and emails and I was on a call with a customer then had to talk with H about the call and our project. He was like but I thought something happened to you. I told him that if it did I would have been answering his messages and he said it was valid. I asked him what he needed and he said nothing.... just thank you for wishing me a happy birthday yesterday. So he blew up my work phone because of that... Well later when he called he had a better reason and needed some real help and I helped him close a $3,000+ accessory sale. I told him he owes me and he said he knows. Closing that deal wasn't easy as I need to ask another Associate Director for a warehouse contact and I had to wait for an after hours response. I do say T has a knackk for knowing when I am at door, as he almost always calls me when I need to be unlocking it or using my badge to get in.


Now to J. He was messaging me internally on our chat and I was helping him with a customer. I got his issue resolved and told him I had to go do this web conference and I put my status up that I was busy and in a web conference. Well he took a page right out of T's book and was texting me and mesaging me. When I was done with T I called J. He first said sorry bro. I told him I was in a meeting and I the distractions were a bit much. He appologized and said he promised to bug me more in the future and then hung up.


Both T and J are wonderful people but they are both really testing my nerves. It was kind of sweet that T called to thank me for the birthday wish. I think something else was going on but that's all he could come up with since I probably sounded bitchy.


So completely different subject. I refinanced my car through a differnt bank to cut the interest and lower my payments. It has been nothing but a hassle with them to the point if I could I would undo it. I started the re-financing before I moved and told them I was moving and the loan officer said hey no problem. Boy was that a lie. I told her to send me the title and I would get it changed to get Iowa plated since I heard froma friend they are really stingy here about getting it done to the point where they will fine you. I called them December 9th since my parents were getting my loan papers at their house. They had no record of me making the request for an address change. I had the email correspondence and shared it with their VP of lending and she assured me my title would be to me asap as they contacted the company that processes them and I would get it right away. So on December 30th I called and left a message with the title clerk asking hey its been 3 weeks whats going on. She sends me a nasty email back telling me I called on the 19th and she was looking into it. I finally got a response that she needed my address to have it overnighted. I sent her my address. The more I thought about it the more pissed off I got. So I fired off a nasty email telling her off. I told her the specific time and date I called and I know its right becuase I was in Chicago at the time and pulled up my phone records. The email she used to respond to me shows she didn't contact the title company until the 30th or atleast follow up until then. I basically told them that if Iowa fines me that they will be sent the bill for the fines I also blasted them on their customer service telling them basically it sucked coming form a servicing the customer perspective. I didn't get a response and I didn't expect one, what I did get was an email telling me my title was overnighted to the wrong place and they were correcting it.I know that they won't be my loan provider for very long.


So 2014 has been interesting and its only 2 days in.


Let's see what else can happen. Maybe the world will end since it ended a year ago Wednesday.

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First of all, Happy New Year:P  "dodges your smack behind the head"

Looks like you had a lot to deal with but the main thing was, YOU DEALT WITH IT.  So, you did lose your temper with customer service.  They can make you lose your temper a lot.  I do that with Direct TV customer service reps.  They overcharged me and I knew it.  Finally, I got a young lady from Georgia on the phone.  She pulled up my records and I got three months free cable.  She also reported the incident.  That was Christmas a year ago, and no more problems so far.  I am in the process of looking for another cable provider, but it's hard, living in the woods:(


Sorry I got off on me.  At least you have snow:P  No snow for me yet, tho we are predicted wintry mix maybe Sunday night or Monday. 

At least life is interesting and keeps you on your toes.  You're handling thing great and sound happy.


Hugs, Jo Ann

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