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Gay Authors Archive

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Archive of Gay Authors News, Articles, and Blogs

Entries in this blog

GA's Newest Signature Author: Mikiesboy

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Tim (Mikiesboy) as GA's newest Signature Author! Tim has been a member of GA for almost four years and was first promoted to Promising in May of 2017. Since joining, Tim has been a prolific author and poet, with almost 400,000 words posted, including novels, novella, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction stories about his own life including how Tim met and married his husband, Michael. If you want to check out that story and the rest of Ti


Graeme in News Archive

GA's Newest Signature Author: Parker Owens

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Parker Owens as GA's newest Signature Author! Parker has been a member of GA for almost four years and was first promoted to Promising in September of 2017. Since joining, Parker has written several short stories, a couple of great novels, and a multitude of poetry. If you want to check out Parker's stories and poetry, you can visit his author page. It's definitely worth a visit!   Please join us in congratulating Parker on his we


Graeme in News Archive

GA's Newest Classic Author: Mike Arram

Please join us in congratulating Mike Arram on becoming GA's newest Classic Author! @Mike Arram has been writing and posting stories on the Internet for many years, and we're pleased to announce that he's now started to also post them here at Gay Authors. Mike Arram is the author of The Peacher stories, The Crown of Tassilo, as well as the first story he's posting here, Terre Nouvelle.   Checking out Mike's bio, we learn that even as a child and then into adulthood, he has an amazing i


Graeme in News Archive

All Stories Updated in 2018

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories Strawberry Chapstick by Comicality Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories GA Writing Prompts by Dolores Esteban Summer's End by Parker Owens The Hollow Hills by Valkyrie Castle Dark by Cole Matthews Superhero Surprise by Cia Igneous by Valkyrie Culled by Parker Owens The Death, Life and Suicide of Tommy Crouch by Tarek Donohue by Mikiesboy Lifting the Veil by Headstall Je


Myr in News Archive

Happy New Year and Announcements

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Over the next few weeks, we will be doing a number of things around the site to simplify and streamline things.  We have a very large sprawl of forums at this point that are semi-active or less.  We are working on consolidating those so that only what we need is around.  The Announcement forum is the first thing that is highly visible that is getting removed.  We will post Announcements in the most appropriate blog going forward.  When we do so, we'll use


Myr in News Archive

Happy Halloween!!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!  Hello, Hello!!!!  Long time no talk to!  My little guy is doing well (and sleeping through the night, YAY!) and I thought perhaps it was time I returned to my site duties. A huge thank you to all the admins and other team members for taking care of the blogs and blog content while I tended to Baby J and took care of some health issues. @wildone has agreed to continue helping with the Weekly Wrap Up blogs while I get back into the swing of things. I hope everyone is doing w

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Has it been 16 Years? Yup.

My, how time flies.  16 years!  The site started on September 13, 2002.  The story on that can be found on our 15th Anniversary page here: https://www.gayauthors.org/anniversary/   This year, I just want to say:   THANK YOU! We are here today because all of you are still here posting stories, reading stories and sharing in our community.  So, in the spirit of our great community, how about you share with us what Gay Authors means to you?


Myr in News Archive

GA's Newest Promising Author: Dodger

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @Dodger in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. Dodger has been a member at GA for over six years, and in that time he's posted over 700,000 words across eight stories including his highly enjoyable epic The Cockney Canuck. You can find all of his stories at his author page, so settle back and have fun reading the creations of our newest Promising Author!   Congratulations, Dodger!  


Graeme in News Archive

Author Promotions

I'd like to talk about Author Promotion, what it is and how it works.   As hopefully everyone is aware, here at GA we have a number of authors with either the Promising, Signature or Classic status. These are authors that we have "promoted" after a review by the Author Promotion Team (APT). The APT is a group of members whose job is to evaluation authors that have been nominated to see if they're reached the "next level" of writing.   What do Promising, Signature and Classic


Graeme in News Archive

Happy 20th Anniversary Comicality!

Instead of the usual Tuesday Tech Blog this week, I'm taking the day to wish my first online author friend a very very happy 20th Anniversary of him posting his stories for us all to enjoy!      On June 19, 1998, 20 years ago today, Comicality posted his first chapter of New Kid In School on Nifty.  https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/new-kid-in-school/ (If you look at chapter 1-2, you'll see the date stamp)   Comicality hooked me right away on his stori


Myr in News Archive

GA's Newest Promising Author: Aceinthehole

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Aceinthehole as GA's newest promoted author! Aceinthehole has been a member of GA for approximately two years and during that time, he has written five novels and over 800,000 words to share with the members here at GA! His current story Tales of the Underground: Blinded is over 175,000 words. If you want to read more from Aceinthehole, you can visit his author page (and check out his new banner while you're there).   Please join

Notification Settings

You can find "Notification Settings" under your name in the upper right menu. https://www.gayauthors.org/notifications/options/   The first batch of settings is about how things work:   "Send me news and information" - Everyone should keep this checked so that we can email you. "Automatically follow conent" - This allows you to automatically follow things so you get alerts to things that you involve yourself in. "Method to use for content I follow A


Myr in News Archive

Get Featured in the Blog!!!

So, normally today would be an Improve & Encourage feature, and while I do have one, I am extremely low on blog content, so that feature will continue next month so that I can get the word out about the various blog opportunities available to authors. I need at least one more "Favorite Self-Written Story" and then I'll have one of those features ready as well. I am also adding a story recommendation opportunity so that readers can send me their favorite stories without having to write a full

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Think Before You Type

You know when I’m writing a blog it usually means that we need to discuss a direction the site is headed in or recent issues on-site.   First off, let me start by saying the site’s administrators and moderators are all personally very supportive of freedom of speech. The stories contained in our archive, for example, still run afoul of the laws in many countries where gay and erotic literature is deemed obscene and pornographic. But even a commitment on our part to free spe


wildone in News Archive

GA's Newest Signature Author: Headstall

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Headstall as GA's newest Signature Author! Headstall has been a member of GA for about three and a half years and was first promoted to Promising in November of 2015. Since joining, Headstall has written a total of 19 stories, including Cards on the Table. If you want to check out Headstall's other stories, you can visit his author page and while you're there, you can check out his updated banner!   Please join us in congratulatin

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Plagiarism Strikes Again

We hate making these types of blog posts as we generally do not share moderation issues with the site membership. There are very few exceptions to this rule, and plagiarism is one of them. Plagiarism comes in many forms, and to make our position perfectly clear: STEALING OTHER PEOPLES WORK WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON GAY AUTHORS!! Posting plagiarized content on GA is an immediate banning offense. Generally, when plagiarism strikes GA, it involves stories, but not always. In this case,

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Gay Authors Officially 15 Years Old on 9/13

Gay Authors 15th Anniversary September 13, 2017   Gay Authors has a big date now upon us.  On September 13, 2002, Gay Authors was officially started.  It is our official 15th Anniversary.  We started off with just Comicality's and my stories hosted. We didn't really start building the community until July 31, 2003.  In order to celebrate this remarkable milestone, I've asked a bunch of authors and members to reflect upon their time here at Gay Authors.  I list Comicality first


Myr in News Archive

GA's Newest Promising Author: Parker Owens

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Parker Owens as GA's newest promoted author! Parker has been a member of GA for two and a half years and during that time, he has written thirteen stories to share with the members here at GA and has written over 1,300 reviews! His latest story A Fall Observation is at just over 11,500 words. If you want to read more from Parker, you can visit his author page (and check out his new banner while you're there).   Please join us in c

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

GA's Newest Signature Author: AC Benus

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating AC Benus as GA's newest Signature Author! AC Benus has been a member of GA for just over four years and was first promoted to Promising in July of 2015. Since joining, AC Benus has written a total of 57 stories, and is the leader of the Live Poets Society. If you want to check out AC's other stories, you can visit his author page.   Please join us in congratulating AC Benus on his well deserved promotion.    

GA's Newest Promising Author: Mikiesboy

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Mikiesboy as GA's newest Promising Author! Mikiesboy, or tim as many know him, has been a member of GA for almost two years. During that time he has written a total of 21 stories, both prose and poetry, and has touched the hearts of many members. If you want to check out Mikiesboy's stories, and check out his new banner and author bio, you can visit his author page.   Please join us in congratulating Mikiesboy on his well deserved

Featured Blog Opportunities for Authors

The following are blog features that site authors can participate in. If you would like to be included, please send me a PM with the information required. If you want to participate in multiple ones, please send a separate PM for each one. Please make sure the subject line of your PM specifies which one you're wanting to participate in.   Improve & Encourage *NEW* The idea is for an author to read a story by a fellow author and provide detailed feedback, both positive and nega

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

GA's Newest Signature Author: Aditus

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Aditus as GA's newest Signature Author! Aditus has been a member of GA for five and a half years and was first promoted to Promising in March of 2015. Since joining, Aditus has written a total of 33 stories, including his popular novel, Red Running Shoes. If you want to check out Aditus' other stories, and check out his new banner, you can visit his author page.   Please join us in congratulating Aditus on his well deserved promot

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

GA's Newest Promising Author: LitLover

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating LitLover as GA's newest promoted author! LitLover has been a member of GA for exactly 3 years (Today is her GA Anniversary as well!) and during that time, she has written four stories to share with the members here at GA and has written over 1,000 reviews! Her current novel Choices is at just over 30,000 words and still going strong. If you want to read more from LitLover, you can visit her author page (plus you can check out her snazzy new
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