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Writing out my obsession

I hate my works. I have to write an article on a topic I'm doing my research, it's based on my Master thesis that was highly praised, I have all the good cards in my hands but I still can't get myself to finish it. I gave myself a deadline for today to help it. But I can't even look at it, nor read it, or even more, fill in the last blank places.


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Oh, I know the feeling.


It's destroyed any feeling of wanting to be in academics recently. :)


I'm sure you'll get there.



I can't imagine not being able to be happy with what I do, but maybe my standards are just too low. :P Just think, though -- one is human, one shouldn't be perfect. Where would that leave anywhere to go forward? If you wrote a perfect article now, you would obsess in the future about that one "perfect article" you'd written in the past. I'm sure you'll get to a place where you'll be satisfied. :)


An opera anecdote about Donizetti, composer of bel canto operas such as Lucia di Lammermoor: "Donizetti, when asked which of his own operas he thought the best, spontaneously replied, 'How can I say which? A father always has a preference for a crippled child, and I have so many.'"


Mark Arbour


Let's see, your Master's thesis was highly praised, you got feedback on this current paper to give you direction, and you're still dicking around? Explain to me how this thing can become "perfect" if you don't even work on it? Run me through that logical exercise, and until then, consider this a swift kick in the ass to get your bright little mind back to work.wub.gif



Explain to me how this thing can become "perfect" if you don't even work on it?


And then ask him to explain how hanging out in GA chat will also bring the paper closer to perfection lmaosmiley.gif .



you're all just meanies! :P I'm working on it and plan to finish it tomorrow. Ehrm, I mean today. Siiigh, it's Tuesday already. :(

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