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So there's this guy... (how many times am I going to start a post like this?!)


And he's Married.


We both happened to be at the same meeting today. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was wearing a black suit, with a black shirt and grey tie... which for me is the most incredibly sexy look. And underneath, you can see the perfectly toned sculpture of a man who spend a lot of time in a swimming pool...


So I kept looking, and the thing is, every time I looked at his eyes... they were looking back at me. And he flashed an incredible smile... with an amused look on his face that told me he knew - he knew - what I was looking at, and why.


So after the meeting, he asked if we could get together at some point, to "discuss the details" of a little project.... and i felt butterflies.


Anyway... we're meeting for drinks next week - he's London based and I'm there for a conference, so it works out well. I'm incredibly nervous - what if the signals are wrong? what if I'm wrong? The office is a dangerous place for such entanglements


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My advice: let him make the first physical moves. That way, you're just responding, so you can't be accused of being a predator.biggrin.gif More than that, though, it may help you to relax and have a good time, if you make a plan just to react to him, as opposed to plotting on how to deflower this guy.

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LOL! I'm more nervous about what I would do if he did make a move.... gotta keep my cool, calm exterior :)

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LOL! I'm more nervous about what I would do if he did make a move.... gotta keep my cool, calm exterior :)


That's easy. Let him f**k you. tongue.gif Or you could f**k him. Whatever works best.tongue.gif

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Mark you're talking like they would have sex once only :D The night is long and just started! ;):P


You go West!

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