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Getting Threw, Getting By



It is funny how things shift your perspective. My friend whose dad died, we used to talk every other day or so and the conversations usually started with "OMG, you can't believe what this idiot just did...." It usually involved being cut off by someone while driving, someone in the store being stupid, or someone at the office, but every time it flashed into my head this week to call him it made me think how totally trite it all is and life is far too short to let stupidity raise your blood pressure.


He spent a good part of his week at the crime scene, removing personal effects of his fathers, family papers, papers relevant to the family, meeting with the detectives, meeting with the assistant DA, trying to keep his little sister together and planning a memorial/wake. We have talked and he is going through the motions, getting done what he has to get done, trying to keep things together in his personal and professional life too. When he stops being busy will he crash? Who knows. He is pretty stable in general.... now, after years of therapy to deal with his parents divorce.... I just hope he doesn't rush back with his ex who has been around to support him through this, but it ended badly last time and I don't think the tiger has changed his stripes.


Matt is trying to understand mu moodiness and I guess I am too. Stupid things fire me up, I should be stopping to smell the roses and I just want to kick them.


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