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I hope it's a lab error

Wow! I can't believe it's been nearly two years since my last entry! Truth be told, I was never big in keeping a journal going, even when I was required to in school, and I've never been much interested in maintaining a blog. The last couple of years have not been kind to me. Caught up in across-the-board layoffs at the university where I worked, I took a job in another city and we moved there, only to be laid off a month later when they lost a major contract that accounted for more than half my income. I then went to work for a friend and colleague of mine, even though it meant a 2-hour commute each way every day. After several months, however, it became apparent that he just didn't have enough business to support both of us and my income wasn't even covering my commuting costs, let alone the mortgage. I therefore started looking for another job, and eventually found one nearby. That one lasted a little longer than the first, but then I was again laid off when a contract facility threatened to pull their business if I didn't alter my documentation to make them look good. I should have probably reported them to the state - they were taking on cases they were in no way equipped to handle - but they threatened to report me for a series of trumped-up ethics violations. In retrospect, I should have probably called their bluff, but I was too afraid of what they could do to keep me from getting another job. In reality we ended up using up most of our life savings anyway, as it took until now to find another job.


As I said, it has not been a good couple of years.


OK, so I have a new job that starts in a couple or three months and I have a temporary job that starts next week and will allow us to make our September mortgage payment in the interim. With permanent employment, I'll finally be able to refinance our mortgage, too, which will make a huge difference in our monthly payments. Life is good, right?


Well as a requirement of the temporary job, I got a physical - it had been just about a year and so I was due, anyway. As part of the physical, my doctor checked my PSA. My PSA had always been low. Last year it was 0.8. This year it came back as 8.5. F--k! That was just two days ago.


Since then, I've done some reading on my own and I spoke with the head of Urology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, who is himself a world expert on prostate cancer. The good news is that such a steep rise is not generally consistent with cancer. Prostate cancer is usually insidious and causes a much more gradual rise. There is absolutely no history of prostate cancer in my family and although my mother has breast cancer, she didn't get it until she was 88, which puts it in a very low risk category. No one else in my family has ever had cancer at all. However, the only other thing that could cause a jump in PSA like that is an infection called prostatitis, which usually causes symptoms. I have no symptoms.


A week from today I will have a repeat PSA test done to make sure the increase in PSA is real and not some combination of lab error and other factors. Just to be sure, I've been asked to refrain from any sexual activity or bike riding the week before. If it comes back normal, I'll be able to breathe a big sigh of relief, at least until next year, but if it's still elevated, I'll have to undergo a thorough cancer work-up. In the meantime I'm nervous as hell.


Just when everything finally seemed to falling into place in my life, this had to happen, but there's more. My new health insurance won't take effect for another three months and, even then, there will be a one-year exclusion of pre-existing conditions. My COBRA coverage will run out early next year, leaving me without coverage for this condition, should it prove to be real. The treatment could literally bankrupt us but, if I do indeed have cancer, forgoing treatment is not an option. On top of everything, I'm worried sick my new employer will find someway to break the contract if and when they find out. I'm screwed.


I cannot fathom how so many people in the US can be so opposed to a national health program. What was so bad about the availability of a public option for those who need it? The current system is fragmented and inefficient, and it's all too easy to lose coverage. It can happen to anyone, as I've certainly seen first-hand.


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  • Site Administrator


Wow. When I complain about the work situation that has seen my husband having repeated layoffs for months at at time the last 2 years I'll stop and think that yeah, we're not alone. As for the PSA tests, good luck. Good thoughts to you for a favorable test and outcome. :hug:



The job situation is more than enough trouble for anyone to struggle with. I hope you find the prostate problem is a minor thing and can be treated quickly and easily.


I do want to offer you some assurance that prostate cancer, if that should prove to be your ailment, is curable and is survivable for a long time even if it is not cured. I was about your age when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Most men with prostate cancer will be cured. I have survived for thirteen years without being cured. There is much you can do to boost your immune system to fight the cancer and that is in addition to whatever tratment you receive from the doctors.


If you get the diagnosis you don't want, please get in touch with me. I would be happy to share my experience with you and believe I can encourage you. I am familiar with the full array of treatments you may be offered and I am familiar with some of the work being done by the National Cancer Institute in researching new treatments.


Most of all, I want you to know I will be praying for you to be spared the need for any such treatment. Let's hope for the best .



I am so disappointed to hear about all of these horrible things happening to you!

During the first part of this year I was privileged to be able to read most of your stories, and they remain very precious to me. Especially your "Love in a chair" and my very favorite of all, "A Fish Out Of Water".

I will ALWAYS continue to hope that someone will happen along and make at LEAST a video of "FOW". Your use of, and choice of songs during the storyline made a memorable read for me.

Thank you Altimexis, for all that you have given to us to date, and I am certainly looking forward to much more in the future.

I am hoping for the best for you, sir!



Onviously there is nothing I can do to help you physically. But I can send my blessings and say that I willl be thinking of you and hoping for the best.



Thanks guys. You don't know how much it means to me to have your support. I'll post something here when I get the results of my repeat PSA, one way or the other.



Wow, Are we related? I could cut and paste this into my own life story but for me I could write the next chapter blindfolded. :jerry:


I keep thinking I must have been Genghis Khan or the like in a previous :unsure: life to have accumulated such bad joo-joo. :(


You almost make me feel better about my own life. :huh:


Hope the test next week is normal. Hugz. ;)


I've come to believe that my life was meant as an example. So mothers could point and say, "You want to grow up and end up like him!"

old bob


Good luck from a man who went through prostate cancer (total removal 14 years ago and then a few years later radiotherapy because of cancer relapse) and is still living healthy, just checking his PSA once a year.

Dont be afraid if it isnt a lab error, it's just the sign that you become more "mature" (I alloy me to laugh about it, because humor helps a lot, as I experienced it.)

Want to share my experiences ? pm.

Old bob

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