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;; " and if I told him I loved him? " ;;

"If all else perished,

and you remained,

I should still continue to be;

and if all else remained,

and you were annihilated,

the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."


Would it have made a differance at all?


These nights have been too long and lonely,

and this road doesn't seem as bright as it was before.

Maybe I have lost my way?


Some say love is a work of moving art

with the ability to paint endless images

into one's mind.

And these images are the dreams

that are afraid of waking.

And these are the dreams

that speak to your soul.

It melts your resistance

to sensibility.


"Did I trip,

did I stumble,

loose my balance,

graze my knee,

graze my heart?"


"I know I'm in love when I see you.

I know when I long to see you

I'm on fire.

Not a muscle has moved.

Leaves hang unruffled by any breeze.

The air is still.

I have fallen in love

without taking a step.


You are all wrong for me

and I know it.

But I no longer care for my thoughts

unless they're thoughts of you."

No matter how many times I write "I love you"

there is never enough room

to convey how sorry I was

to let him go.


But it was my heart that was afraid of breaking

that I never even bothered to take a chance,

a chance to learn to sing, to dance, to laugh, and to love...



I told him goodbye.

He was gone, and so was this world

we created together; it could not survive.

Maybe goodbye doesn't mean forever.

And maybe I'll see him again.


It was me; I was afraid of dying

that I never learned to live.


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