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No lab error, but better news

Well, I repeated my PSA and it came back at 3.0 this time, which is a hell of a lot better than 8.5, but not nearly as low as it was a year ago. The free PSA was a marginal 22%, which translates roughly to my having a one in ten chance of having prostate cancer. That's a whole lot better than I thought it would be! I'll go back for another repeat in three months and if it's still low, chances are I just had prostatitis. If it's up again, however, I'll need a biopsy but, as some here have relayed from their own experiences, a positive result would be far from the worst thing in the world.


A warm thanks to everyone who wrote me or commented here. You don't know how much it means to me.


The interim job's going great and everything's on track for my permanent job later this year. It's nice to be working again! I don't have nearly as much time for writing, but I still hope to have Legacy done before the end of the year, and Conversations With Myself shortly after that.

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Well I hope you will look into the diet and exercise solutions to keep the risk very low.

I hope the test was accurate.




Altimexis! I'm so glad you posted the good news! It makes me real happy.

I'm sure that you are going to get a ton of advise, but that's good. It shows you that we care for your health, which means that we care for *you*.

I wish for the best in re: to Altimexis, and that is from my heart! *hugs*:2thumbs:



I echo what has been said above and add my best wishes with interest.

  • Site Administrator


Sounds like you are in a better place right now than earlier blogs. yay! I'm glad things are looking up.



I just want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts. :wub:

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