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An Author's Perspective



I posted this on my story forum discussion over in Jeff's fort, but as I also post Exodus on GA, I thought I should also let you guys in:


One of the biggest issue with a writer is that his stories are sometimes based on his emotional and physical condition. Physically, I am fine, but emotionally I was kind of lost after a rough breakup with my old boyfriend and the lost of my previous job.


I did not know if I could continue to write anymore in this universe, but life finds a way and one door closes and another one opens as our CSU authors know very well :P .


I am going through the process of integrating ideas that I developed in the last few months for my stories and I am probably throwing out the old master plan for WoD and Exodus. WoD or World of Difference was suppose to have a long journey of exploring the historical faiths, philosophies, and ideologies with gay references throughout human history to showcase the plight, trials, and triumph of LGBT people. It would have ended in a bittersweet reconciliation between a possible future post apocalyptic world that ties into my second story Exodus.


Exodus on the other hand would show the human issues of groups, working customs, technology, and the start of a new civilization. I wanted to do something more in depth and dynamic than Battlestar Galactica, in either the old or new form, had done. I will probably still continue on that course, but I think that as my story borrowed a religious concept, then I should also offer something more to that side of the story as well. After reading the coming chapters of Exodus, I hope you, my reader, will understand why I am choosing to explore this part of my story more and see the connections that I am trying to draw.


Whether or not I will integrate both universes together into one continuous timeline or multiple timelines in the same reality, it is still up to my creative thought process.

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Integrating universes is awesome. I find there is always a way... usually when a lot of alcohol is involved and I am not entirely sure which universe I am in in the first place :)

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