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It's My Life



It's a good Bon Jovi song and says a lot about what I'm feeling right now and what I'm dealing with.


As you may or may not know, I have an overbearing mother who thinks the world revolves around her and everyone should drop what they're doing at her beck and call. I'm not being over dramatic, but honest with this statement. I'm in the process of moving to Pennsylvania and finding a job (and I have a few leads that I'm following up on) which is taking up most of my time. I also have a lot going on at work that I'm trying to accomplish so that hopefully people won't freak when I'm gone and someone can come in and pick up where I left off (which will be kinda funny to see). Tomorrow I'm getting furniture for my room in the house I'm moving into which is going to be fun! The reason why I bring this up is because she called ranting and raving at me while I'm at work all because I wasn't going to be at the parents tomorrow or Wednesday to help her out around the house. As she put it, I'm putting my friends and life ahead of my family. I told her as calm as I could, I would apreciate if she would just let me know when she needs me more then three hours ahead of time so I can see if I can work things out, and not have to drop everything at the last second which I'm finally putting my foot down and telling her I can't I have plans.


Now for the other part. I'm not happy with what my boyfriend did the other night to me. He had a friend that he works with who came over and ended up staying the night (the friend got to shit faced to drive home). This wouldn't bother me with the exception of the fact the boyfriend hid our relationship from him and I had to sleep in another room because the boyfriend didn't what his friend to find out he was gay and in a relationship because he could loose his job (he works in a secular position in Philly for the Archdioceses there). The boyfriend knows that I don't like to hide who I am and the like especially my relationships. So that night hurt worse than anything because while the friend knew I was gay, he only knew that I was a gay roommate that lived with the boyfriend. So I'm still trying to be nice about the whole thing because I do understand where he is coming from (he has a morality clause in his contract), it just kinda made me think of what it would be like in the future and how often I would go from being a boyfriend to a gay roommate.


In other news I'm going furniture shopping tomorrow!!! Yay me :D


Well, I'm wrapping things up at work and heading to Philly tonight.


Take care all and K.B.O (that's what I'm doing)





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  • Site Administrator

Wow Eric. That's a great deal of stress and a problem of family/boyfriend not exactly making it easier. For now the boyfriend's work/personal life problem isn't huge but it could become an issue in the future. No matter how much you care for someone else if you are in a relationship that ends up making you unhappy that's not a good thing. I hope that he isn't just planning on saying, "This is how it is." forever because you deserve not to be hidden. And good for you for putting your foot down with your mom. She has to understand you own your life now and just because she's a parent doesn't make her your #1 priority in life. That's you. Oh, and the song is great ;)

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Mums can be real pains in the ass sometimes, but gotta love them anyways. You really need to stick up for yourself and making plans and following them through is a really really good start! She will get over it, if not, recommend her a good, expencive therapist. No, seriously, mums pull that kind of things all the time. Mine does too... If I'll ever have kids I swear I'll be different.


The bf issue is a hard one, I can see why you are upset. I'd be too. If he wants to keep his personal life and work life seperate, he should honour it by not making you lie about it, in another words not put you in that kind of situation. Maybe you could discuss about it with your other half, I'm sure he feels bad about it too. Work out together how to awoid that in the future. And you need to decide how much you are willing to compromise for the sake of love.



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  • Site Administrator

Hang in there Eric, things will get better sooner than later.


If you really want to punish the boyfriend, marry him and let him have your mom as a mother in law. :P



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