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When I grow up...or before I die. Something like that. ;)



I found... the most beautifully intense story I've read in EVER just over an hour and a half ago. By the same author that gave me the story that held the title for 'most beautifully intense piece of work ever read by me' before so I wasn't surprised, just pleased. In a big way. I laughed out loud, and actually had to take a break to cry at one point. Her writing is an experience. I feel I live the events with the characters. When they hurt, I hurt. When they laugh I laugh. Also? She's got a sense of humor that throws me into fits all over the place anyway.


She writes the way I only dream about writing, and I personally can never find fault with any of it. I'm sure there are flaws, nothing is perfect, but I can't FIND the flaws. Probably because I'm too distracted by all of the AWESOME happening all over the place, but that's gotta be a good thing right? She builds worlds so detailed that I couldn't escape even if I wanted to, and USES every detail so that it's not just necessary but...involved if that makes sense. Every detail makes the whole more...poignant. I find myself falling deeper with every word, never thrown out even for a second. She has everything that I feel makes a good story. Even in my favorite series of books, sitting on display on my top shelf, there are moments that I feel drag, or details that I feel are just a tiny bit too much but that's never the case with this writer. She...ruins me. It always takes me awhile to venture away from her writing to read other things (that I definitely don't want to miss out on because there is GOLD to be found on the internet if you can be bothered to look) but I'm hoping ranting about it will help get it out of my system.


It seems strange, somehow, that it should have come from a fanfiction writer, but then...not really. Fanfiction is how I started writing, it's what I started reading when I first found out I could find things to read on the internet and I've found some of the most talented authors writing fanfiction. What seems strange is that the novel could be called fanfiction at all. *shrugs* Not the point.


This is where I'd like to be. This kind of writing is what I work toward without very much hope that I'll ever get there. I didn't just read an excellent story, I was...inspired. I AM inspired and excited and after the ranting, I'm off to continue to try to get THERE.


Actually I'm off now. If ever I get to a place where I can affect someone HALF as much as nyxocity affects me with her writing, I will consider my life COMPLETE. Mission accomplished. Or something like that. :)


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You rave like how I feel. I read a lot, (when GA isn't keeping me swamped) and that is how I feel on the rare occasion I find a true gem. I had one last night that took from from exhausted at only 7 pm at night to still wide awake at 12:30 am as i read non-stop from beginning to end. Truly great stories are diamonds and sometimes you have to sift to find them but it's so worth it!



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Very nice tribute! :) What kind of fanfiction is it?





She writes AU RPS (Alternate Universe, Real Person Slash) of the J2 variety (Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, with a supporting cast of other recognizable names). Which, in her case and with quite a few others that write in this fandom basically means that its all original except for the names. More often than not I wish that they'd switch the names and go for publication because I genuinely believe they'd be successful and NEED these stories on my bookshelf to cuddle up with over and over.



Could you please provide a link? Thank you, by the sounds of this, I think she'd be a great read.




*facepalm* I meant to. Lol, this is why I shouldn't read into the morning without sleep and then post anywhere. But yes, links! More than one because posting has not helped calm me down in the slightest. And I feel it'd be selfish of me not to share it all somehow. Lol. First, But Then, My Homework Was Never Quite Like This, which was the first thing I ever read by her and it gets reread frequently. Whe ever I'm tired of the sifting. Second, Until You're Resting Here With Me, which is what I just read. *sigh* And then Beautiful Disaster, and Who Watches Over Me?. All of them are excellent reads. And, I feel like I should add, DEFINITELY NOT safe for work. So, don't try and bring it there. I know from experience that this is a mistake. I took off the format for easier reading, but you can get it back by deleting the '?format=light' from the URL. :)


Reading all of them is why I think this should be original fiction. It does her characters an injustice not to call them original, for her to have to give the standard disclaimer of 'not mine'. They are wholly hers. They differ vastly from story to story, but Idk, don't take my word for it, just read. I don't think you'll regret it. And now I'm ranting in this reply so I'mma move on. ;)


You rave like how I feel. I read a lot, (when GA isn't keeping me swamped) and that is how I feel on the rare occasion I find a true gem. I had one last night that took from from exhausted at only 7 pm at night to still wide awake at 12:30 am as i read non-stop from beginning to end. Truly great stories are diamonds and sometimes you have to sift to find them but it's so worth it!





YES, I'm very much the same way. There's nothing I get more excited about. Reading/Writing (I sometimes feel like they're so close to the same thing. Both things pull me so deep into my brain, off to another world) is my passion. There's a lot of good writing on the internet, but there is also a lot of decidedly BAD writing, and it's painful sometimes to come across it, to have to go through it for the GOOD, but THIS? I'll never stop for moments like these.

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I've taken a quick look and they seem to be truly awesome. I have saved them to read another time because I think that stories like this deserve not to be rushed. Thanks :)

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I've taken a quick look and they seem to be truly awesome. I have saved them to read another time because I think that stories like this deserve not to be rushed. Thanks :)



No, never rushed. I reccommend Homework first ;) Hope you enjoy!

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