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Well if you're worried about getting flamed you could always post them all at once 0:)

OK, I'm going to go read 19 now B)

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I trust you. Remember at the beginning I thought you weren't sure what you wanted to do, and you said you knew exactly what you were doing? It's been obvious to me since the next bit you posted after that that you really are completely in control of what's going on.


I thoroughly enjoy stuff like this, actually: pulling back layers after layers revealing new truths that contradict the former ones. That is, when th author plays fair and the stuff isn't flying in from nowhere. I can see, looking back, that the clues about Seth were there all along: there's no actual inconsistency with what Rory saw and heard and what Seth says about it now.


So don't worry.


And those things that feel like flames? They're just your readers getting drawn in and reacting instinctively. If you can be tough about it, you can realize it's all good, because it's a measure of your effectiveness.

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I promise not to flame unless the final scene is Jase and Alice the Incomprehensible's wedding. :sheep: Congratulations on a spectacular year of writing. :worship:

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LOL I just laughed so loud it actually echoed :lol:


Dom, seriously I want to take the opportunity to tell you that you're a truly awesome writer! Hope it warms up in your area soon, and have a great day!



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LOL I just laughed so loud it actually echoed :lol:


Dom, seriously I want to take the opportunity to tell you that you're a truly awesome writer! Hope it warms up in your area soon, and have a great day!





Oh don't worry Kevin, it will warm up in Dom's area for certain. We just have to wait for a few months for the snow to leave.


On the bright side we get more Chapters becaues of this fact. Hmm I wonder how many fans wish for Dom to live in an snowy filled land just so they can get their fill every few days. :lmao:

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okay, well, im on the edge of my seat for the next one already! geez, how can i be a junkie to an internet story? lol. the cliffhangers are killing me. i'm at the point now that i glance over at the little scroll bar on the side and dread when it goes over halfway down while im reading the DD stories. HAHA.

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... i'm at the point now that i glance over at the little scroll bar on the side and dread when it goes over halfway down while im reading the DD stories. HAHA.


Been there :blink: . I've actually stopped reading at that point and took a break hoping to make the story last :read: . I think I'll have to add that one to the 'you know you're a domaholic...' list

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Vic's a bich! :lmao:


Yeah? At least I can say that I have Dom on his knee in front of me.


*Hmmm, I wonder what Aaron would do in this situation* :P


Vic :*)

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This kinda stuff really makes me want to be an author, cause then you have the power over your characters 0:) . Anyways, good luke with that Christmas Rage!


"I'm a rageaholic! I'm addicted to rageahol."

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I don’t want you to get into a Christmas rage and start killing characters, :thumbdown: do that at Easter.


Anyway, there are my thoughts.


I’m out of here,


The Bard


PS. Any one else out there not getting in the spirit should join us too.

Hey Dom


If you go psycho and start killing off the DD characters please, oh please make it real bloody. :lmao:


I never get the Christmas spirit, but I don't miss it either. Though you got to love a holiday that brings out the absolute worst in people. Don't believe me, drop by any mall. :ranger:


Later Dudes


I'm Coming

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Hey Dom-


People have to understand that it is *fiction* and that stories have plotlines for a purpose.


If a writer did whatever his fans said, he wouldn't have very many fans.


Rory could get hit by a falling comet in the very next chapter and DD could still end up being a great story. You never know until you read it.


In other matters, I hope that you find someone to keep you warm and raise your spirits- Christmas and otherwise.





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Well....the whole Seth twist led me to re-read DD from the beginning yesterday (ok, speed read; it still took a few hours) to see how our friend Dom had (again) duped me w/red herrrings. I am such a sucker for the obvious. Anyway, I kind of recommmend (actually, that is wishy washy..."I recommend") doing so, if like me, you have read the chapters as they came out and not all at once. Recall that when DD started, TLW and TOU were still going strong. Thus, for me, the power of the DD story line was diluted somewhat by bouncing back and forth as new chapters came out.


By going back, I was struck anew by the features of DD that hit home originally, namely, Rory coming to grips w/the catastrophic loss of him mom and the disorientation of a moving to a whole new environment in conjunction therewith. I feel like the person in that song (I forget the name) who hears some lounge singer and finds that the singer is "Strumming my heart w/this fingers, singing me life w/his song...." Having gone thru something similar, I keep thinking, "How does Dom do this? How does he know?" It is very eerie, especially coming from one so young (sorry, Dom, I have sweat socks older than you....) in years who must be very old in experience (perhaps from from past lives? Calling Shirley McClaine.....!).


Anyway, it was worthwhile to go thru it again and pick up on some hints of future plot twists. Keep up the good work, Dom!


pax, notTed

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I feel like the person in that song (I forget the name) who hears some lounge singer and finds that the singer is "Strumming my heart w/this fingers, singing me life w/his song...."



Roberta Flack did the original "Killing Me Softly with His Song" (written by Norman Gimbel and Charles Fox), which the Fugees re-did a few years ago. Rumor has it the "boy" is Don McLean, singer of American Pie, Vincent, and other great songs.



Strumming my fate with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with song

Telling my whole life

With his words, killing me softly

With his song


I heard he sang a good song

I heard he had a sound and

So I came to see him,

To listen for a while

And there he was this young boy

A stranger to my eyes

Strumming my fate with his fingers...

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I feel like the person in that song (I forget the name) who hears some lounge singer and finds that the singer is "Strumming my heart w/this fingers, singing me life w/his song...."

Roberta Flack did the original "Killing Me Softly with His Song" (written by Norman Gimbel and Charles Fox), which the Fugees re-did a few years ago. Rumor has it the "boy" is Don McLean, singer of American Pie, Vincent, and other great songs.

Strumming my fate with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with song

Telling my whole life

With his words, killing me softly

With his song


I heard he sang a good song

I heard he had a sound and

So I came to see him,

To listen for a while

And there he was this young boy

A stranger to my eyes

Strumming my fate with his fingers...

I love that song, personally I like Anne Murray's cover the best, but it's more difficult to find.

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Guest lchase123


Anyone else just wanna go to bed and hibernate until December 26th? :angry:

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OMG....DD20 was simply SUPERB! :2thumbs: and i really can't think of anyone else finding faults with your storyline..i mean unless they are assholes... :lmao:


it's such a pity i don't have the ability to bring forward time to saturday now...Ha

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Guest lchase123


OMG....DD20 was simply SUPERB! :2thumbs: and i really can't think of anyone else finding faults with your storyline..i mean unless they are assholes... :lmao:


it's such a pity i don't have the ability to bring forward time to saturday now...Ha



I agree Dom... you seem to be getting better and better with each chapter! cant wait til 21 comes out! I hope its before Christmas heheheheheheheh :P

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