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Stop that YOU! part one



I went to my mothers house for dinner with Chaz last night. My mom was making this big dinner for everybody including her friend that is visiting with her son from Arizona. It has been a long time since i've seen her so I decided to go and say hi.


The first thing I notice is that her son is no longer the twelve year old that used to play video games with me when I was fifteen. Now he's a grown man that is setting of my gaydar faster than a speeding bullet and he's extremely good looking. Not that he can compare to my own Chaz mind you. Even chaz who has no gaydar to speak of asks me if the boy is gay.


As the night progresses we find out that they are moving back and that he will be going to our college. So I'm like oh no I'm not serving as gay ambassador. I can feel the boy staring at Chaz and I start to get a little jealous and announce that it's time for us to leave.


The boy asks if we could get together some time all the while looking at Chaz with longing. I'm like hell no, but I say regretedly "Sure I'd like that call me."


Crap so I get home and I receive a call from my mother who asks me if I thought the boy is gay. I said yes and she then asks if I could introduce him to some of my friends. In my mind I'm locking up Chaz in a tower so the boy cant get to him. I explain to her my policy on playing cupid, I don't do it.


So I tell her about a party we're having that Chaz sadly will not be able to attend. I ask her to invite him.


GREEN this is not over yet.


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Very Hmm




PS Get something philosophical and deep meaning out of that "Hmm" b/c its the vacations and my brain is dead, hehe


PSS I sugest adding a dragon to that tower might keep the boy away, Hehe

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I am not sure what to say on this one...Hmmm..per Jules, sees to say a lot in that I am stumped.


Good news is Chaz won't be at the party so you can talk to the new guy and of course gush endlessly about your Boyfriend Chaz and you love each other dearly and are in a commited relationship....if the Guy doesn't get the hint then to back off...then who says you have to hang out with him at all? You did the nice thing, invited him over...why can't that be enough? And you should clearly explain you don't play Cupid and fix your friends up and nor do you play Cruise Director on the Gay Love Boat and arrange his social life..I mean you can say it nicely but that he gets the point that once he starts classes he will find a wide variety of friends etc..and you and Chaz's lives are busy so if you run into each other cool..but beyond that you can tell him I am sure he will find many friends ON HIS OWN...hint hint...come within 1000 feet of your Man and you will neuter him...


that's all folks.



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Hi Green


How you doing buddy? :)


I'm like oh no I'm not serving as gay ambassador. I can feel the boy staring at Chaz and I start to get a little jealous and announce that it's time for us to leave.


The boy asks if we could get together some time all the while looking at Chaz with longing. I'm like hell no, but I say regretedly "Sure I'd like that call me."


You have nothing to worry about. Chad has the hot's for you sooooooo bad this boy isn't going to make any difference. This kid my snivel and pine but you are Chad's and he is your's, and that's that.


I hope you have a great holiday! :hug:



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I agree with Eric, from what I've read, I doubt Chaz would let this kid's advances go very far. And perhaps if you do introduce him to a few people, he'll find someone of his own, or at least more friends to hang out with.

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