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End of a silent time

Well my time alone is drawing to a close. Tomorrow my father returns from his vacation. While I had a small portion of it off I am torn about his return. He is home but I get a break from the dog.


I have been busy turning out stories in the mean time. Charlie is getting ever closer to the end. I keep finding time to knock out short stories. Influenced by those authors I love both here on the site and those whose books I buy, I've written a number of things lately. I've gone in for vampires, werewolves, angels, simple family life, and a dozen other ends. Still find myself drawn to the fairy tales I loved as a child and keep turning them upside down.


I am happy to see my love for Greek/Roman Mythology was well received in this year's Anthology piece for Legends. I still say if you haven't had a chance to read them yet, go do so. They really are worth the read.


I've been on Weight Watchers now for 13 weeks. Twice I have screwed up and put on 4 pounds that I had lost but I am not discouraged. It is not like I am running a race. This is my life and there will be times when, hey, I want this or that or something has gone terribly wrong and my eating habits get hit. Even with the four pounds regained (both times 2 pounds and they have been lost again) I have loset a total of 20.4 pounds. I go in to be weighted tomorrow morning before I go to pick up my father from the airport.


In the meantime I am just having a hell of time trying to figure out what I want to pick up for a friend's birthday. I want to spoil him a bit so trying to find one really nice thing for him. Other than that everything seems to be going well.


Hope everyone has a good week.



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Thanks for all your updates. :)

You are right about the weight loss not being a race. It has a better chance of being long-lasting if it is gradual. I lost the 20 pounds I needed to lose over the course of a year and a half, and I haven't regained them.


I have added more of your stories to my reading list.

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