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Writing Mothers



This is going to come as a surprise to some of you but I have trouble writing female characters. For some reason they fall flat and seem one deminsional. I especially have trouble writing mothers. Incase you didn't notice, Mrs. Hanover in It Was A... didn't have much screen time. There was a reason for this. None of the females did. Again, a reason for this. I really do suck at it.


Now I'm facing it again. I'm making this mother (who is french catholic) sound Italian.. or Jewish. I'm not sure which has the most guilt laying ability. It's really a toss up, but since she gave the advice to go to confession I'm going with Italian. Maybe Irish. But NOT French.


The only thing I can think of to work around it is to have a French father married to an Itailan or Irish mother... and just go with it... but damn. All my mothers sound this way. Can you say Imprinting?


Question is... how can I fix it?


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What I do when I'm writing a character that I don't really feel is try to find someone in my real life to model them after. If I'm having problem with a cranky old man, then I think about one of my friends who has this mean-old-bastard grandfather and write as if it's him. I think this helps characters come to life if when they have a feel of someone you really know.


For your mother character, I would try to see if you know someone that fits that role. A Catholic mother/grandmother who is stern and knows how to lay on the guilt.


If you still need help, I'll lend you my Irish-Catholic mother-in-law for a while (You can keeper her if you want...JK...maybe not) :P


Hope it helps.



well see, I think that's my problem. I've never had any real strong females in my life to model characters after. The teenage girls I had limited access to until I was older -- and look where that got me -- and and women, well they were related or all had their habits -- and I don't mean bad ones.



LOL. Should you maybe talk with someone who has much expperience with a difficult, needy yet eccentric mum? (me) or someone who is a mother of many (Cia) or who is quite anunconventional mother (Nephy) and ask for their help. Just naming few possibilities. What kind of mother is the character going to be? You are not giving us much about her. You need to be interested in the mother to make her deep enough for us to care about her. Again, you can just limit the screen time if you don't find it in you.

Andrew Q Gordon


How about a ghost writer to help with this character. I mean short of waving your magic Lughcifer wand and becoming a French Catholic Mom for a few years, I don't think there is an overnight 'solution' that will help you write this over. Sorry, but that's all I got :/



Sounds like her nationality is more of a problem than the fact that she's a mother (and a woman). But if you want to write a mother, bring out your own inner mother. Just think of what you would do if you were in her shoes. We mothers are just like the rest of you, I promise ;) -- just use your own experience and you'll be fine.



I have no inner mother... sighs. Apparently. Or if I do she's religious and good at laying on the guilt.

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