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Trials and Tribulations: Editors and Beta Reader

Trials and Tribulations is being received a lot better than I ever imagined when I began the story. I know the heart of the story is coming from within me, my experiences, love, and desires; but without the work my editors and beta reader have put into this story, I fear a lot of what makes the story what it is, would be missing.


When I first decided to try writing a story, I asked people I had met in the chat room and other people I knew online if they would edit for me. Believe me, I definitely needed one. Of all the people I asked, only one offered to help, and that was Trevor. Trevor was as excited about the story as I was, if not more. He was always there pushing me for more and more. He was exactly what I needed.


I felt like I was taking too much of his time and decided to find another editor to help to take a little of the work load off of Trevor and give him more time to be young and in love. smile.png


However, finding someone I could depend on proved harder than I thought it would. After the story started to have a following, more people offered to help, but I never heard back from them when it came time for the actual work. I guess that's the way of it in most endeavors. Yet, in their defense, I'm not all that good in the english department, since I've had no formal training since grade school. So, the task of editing for me is never a easy job. Which makes me appreciate Trevor all the more.


In fact, I was right about taking up too much time from Trevor and he asked to be released so he could spend more time with someone. So the search was on to find a new editor.


But I did find a really good editor in Fitz. He does a really smashing job. However, because of all the corrections he has to make, it takes a while before getting each chapter ready to publish. Just remember, it's my fault the delays that comes up, and not Fitz's fault.


I think I do a pretty job at writing the meat and bones of the story, but what gives the story the twinkle is Wayne, aka ComicFan. He has been my beta reader since chapter 5. I'm sure if you read back or think back, you will observe a mark improvement from that time forward, Wayne is always there to bounce ideas off of and to help me make the story a little better, I can never thank him enough for all the help he has given.


Trevor, Fitz, and Wayne aren't the only people that have helped me with this story. Others have helped me with medical terms and legal terms as well. I'm sure those of you that will read this will have read chapter 12 by now and noticed the introduction of the Druids in Andy's family history. I have also had some help from a friend here at GA in learning the history of the Druids and other 'old traditions'.


For the time being, I will be posting chapters prior to editing and update the chapter when the editing is complete. However, if this proves to be an embarrassment to me and/or GA, I will discontinue this practice.


I owe so much to Trevor, Fitz, and Wayne. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. hug.gif


Don't forget to vote for your favorite authors and stories in the 2011 GA Readers Choice Awards


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Wait a minute! Why are you posting stories without editing them? Are you short on editors, or are you trying something new?



I have a excellent editor in Ryan, but he is really busy. It takes a week to get the chapter back from him. I have no idea if that is a lot of time or normal. But I feel I need to post once a week if I can.

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