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Writing Prompts #122 & #123



Happy Friday everyone! Our two new writing prompts to play with are from ComicFan:


Prompt 122 – Creative
Cue – Word List
Use the following words in story: Red hand print, shattered vase, new car, fifteen year old boy, and a spider.


Prompt 123 – Challenge
Cue – Poetry
Mention poetry and see the look of fear on so many faces. Choose whichever kind of poetry you prefer to write in, but it must be about one of three topics. Either your favorite season, favorite holiday, or your favorite person. Length is up to you, but it must be long enough to give us a sense of why this is your favorite.


Let your mind wander and see where you can take them - be sure to share them with the community in the Writing Prompts forum.




And for our featured responses - I actually have two to share this week.


From last week's Prompt 121, LouisHarris came up with his "The Wish", An African Gay Fable.







An African Gay Fable

Kajane’s go–go had constantly reminded him not to wander near the old ruins. ‘It is dangerous,’ she said. ‘Only those who are very brave go there.’


The teenager’s mind told him to listen to her, but his instincts urged him otherwise, and one afternoon, as go–go slept in the shade of the great willow tree, he sneaked away.


The ruins lay under a vast canopy of monkey-thorn trees and thick bush. Broken pieces of the slate walls lay scattered on the ground. Kajane marveled at the idea that people had lived here a long time ago. He glanced around, and discovered a shining object on the ground about twenty meters away from him. He approached it and stooped to pick it up. The moment his fingers touched it, the rock glowed like a thousand stars. He pulled his hand away and it stopped glowing. Unsure of this strange phenomenon, he stepped back to ponder it. The rock was rough, shaped like a cube, and as large as the palm of his hand.


Like it? Here is the rest of the story...


The other featured prompt response is a recent entry to a Prompt from May 22, 2011. I find it fantastic that we have such a trove of great prompts to help stimulate these great writing exercises. I love seeing where people take the same starting information.


In this case, andy021278 came up with his own idioms. To see the full list, visit his full prompt response but a couple of my favorites are:

It’s all Klingon to me: Klingon is a language from Star Trek which most characters cannot understand without the aid of a translator. If something is “all Klingon to me” it means that someone cannot understand something, a modern day update on “it’s all Greek to me”


I don’t have two bronze knuts to rub together: The bronze knut is the smallest value coin in J K Rowling’s world of Harry Potter. Someone who “doesn’t have two bronze knuts to rub together” is short of cash.


Poorer than a Weasley: The Weasley family are the cash-strapped family in J K Rowling’s world of Harry Potter. Someone is “Poorer than a Weasley” is short of cash.


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