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Adulthood Sucks!

For many years I was a happy, unencumbered homosexual, who had not much more to worry about than if my ass looked to big in my jeans or if I was losing my hair, or where that wrinkle came from. But just for shits and giggles I decided to have a child - well me and the hubby did. She's a wonderful, happy, delightful little girl who brings me endless amounts of joy just by smiling.


But today I don't want to be a dad, don't want to be happy, don't want to pretend everything is okay, and I have to because I can't be this depressed around my daughter. She's too little to understand when daddy is unhappy. If we're upset so is she.


Bit of melodrama I know, but my dog is dying and I can't do anything to stop it. This was/is my first baby. We got him as a gangly little puppy who would try to steal the baseball hat from my head whenever I sat at his level, the one who claimed two of my best soccer balls as his and proceeded to spend hours convincing me to throw them so he could chase them and bring them back to me. He curled up next to me when I got a bad case of hepatitis and always came to sit with me when I needed him. He was truly this man's best friend.


But he's shutting down on us - we - the vet and us - thought he has a kidney infection, but the antibiotics aren't working. So it's probably kidney failure. It might be a bunch of other things but whatever it is, he's not eating and we don't have enough time to figure it out if he won't eat.


I've made him turkey, turkey burgers, chicken, liver, and a host of other can't miss things that even sick dogs will eat. He ate them for 1 - 2 meals max before he won't touch them now. He seems hungry but won't eat anything. It's like every time we try something, he'll eat it once and we can scratch it from out list of things he'll eat and we're quickly running out of options.


Yeah, I know, grow up and grow a set. I am, I have to. Mike's a mess and someone needs to make sure the kid is okay too. She doesn't understand what's happening so it's not that we need to be strong because she's upset. No, it's like I said, she seems to know when we're unhappy, and that makes her upset.


Like the title says, Adulthood sucks.


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Losing a member of the family at any age sucks. The decision you and Mike are facing is not an easy one. It's good that you have each other for support. If your daughter was older, I'd suggest that showing her your emotional side would be good for development, but I think you're doing the right thing. Good luck with everything and I hope for the best in your baby's last days.

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Losing a pet is hard, especially when they are suffering and there's no way to know how to help. Sorry it's such a rough road and of course, you're doing the right thing with your daughter even if it makes dealing with your pet's final illness even tougher. I hope you can do some grieving when the time and circumstances are right.

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It's never easy losing a pet, especially one you've had for a long time. I remember when my tarantula died, I'd had her for nearly fifteen years, since I was about eight or nine years old. She'd been unwell for a while, and the protractedness of her death made it all the more emotionally draining; I was a complete wreck the whole time. I slowly came to terms with her passing, and so will you. I still miss her, and I still can't bring myself to kill a house spider :) . I still think about her from time to time.


I can't remember who said it but it goes something like, "As long as we remember them, then they are never really gone."


You will make it through this. You guys and little Q have my love and my sympathies :hug:


ps: loving the new avatar

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When you live with someone for so long, it's natural you'll feel the way you do when he is suffering. Be strong, though I know it's tough.

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Andrew Q Gordon


Thanks Dark, Percy, Andy and Ashi


It's how it is, I know, I was going to this down because it's such a whiny entry, but then Dark posted and I figured I needed to leave it up to at least respond.


Thanks again. :)



Awwww, my heart goes out to the two of you. I can't imagine the sadness my hubby and I would suffer if something happened to our little four legged buddy. She has made her own little place in our hearts. I am glad you and Mike have each other. Will be thinking of you. Hug lil Q.

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I lived your pain and sadness earlier this year when my boyfriend and I's dog passed unexpectedly from kidney failure. It was extremely hard for my boyfriend and our other dog, she still lays facing the door occasionally like she is waiting for her sister to come home.


I will keep you and yours in my thoughts.

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It's sad losing a pet, they are part of the family. You don't have to be tough and strong all the time, it's okay to be sad and cry. She will feel your pain. It's hard to breakdown in front of your kid. I wish there was something I could say that would help but I know there isn't. :(

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Johnathan Colourfield


You can get through this :) I understand losing a pet is very hard but you can be strong in front of your kid and then cry in private i'm sure :)


This is just a bump in the road :)

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Andrew Q Gordon


Thanks everyone.


As an update, we put him to sleep today. Today he stopped getting up and walking down the hill to go pee, and he stopped eating as of yesterday afternoon. It was time to say good-bye and let him move on.


Thanks again.



I'm so sorry for your loss. What a difficult thing to go through, especially the frustration of not being able to help. I hope your partner and little one help give you the solace you need. And I agree, having to being an adult all the time doesn't seem fair. My heart goes out to you.

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I am so sorry about your loss. There is something so pure about the love and loyalty of a pet. It is a painful road, but it gets gentler.

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Its sucks when your dog is dying. We also have a daughter, now 8. In the last 2 years we have had to deal with both my parents dyiing of cancer and one of the two dogs we inherited getting cancer. This is not to compare or one-up you on grief. I can only say that i relate. Your girl is still to young to understand which can make it easier and harder. Harder as she can not understand why you both are unhappy. Easier because you won't have to explain it to her, for better or worse she will move on better than you. Hopefully her company will give you joy at this time.


One of the hardest things about having a pet (i also had 2 dogs previously) is that one of your duties is to manage the end of their lives. Thank god our kids will outlive us. Both my dogs lived long lives (14 and 15) but it their last weeks were still wrenching. Yes it sucks to be an adult sometimes but there is comfort in knowing that you did right by your pet to the end. Maybe your dog can't eat now but it can still get comfort from yuor prescence and your tears as hopefully will you

All the best

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Andrew Q Gordon


Thanks Runner, everything you said is spot on how I feel. 'lil q is too young to know why we were upset. Like you said, managing the end was brutal. He rallied just a bit at the very end, when I was walking him in to see the vet. When he looked up at me I nearly broke. It was almost like he was asking me not to do this. But he hadn't eaten, wouldn't eat, barely drank, barely moved. he'd gone as far as we could have hoped, and I knew it was time, but that look will probably haunt me forever. I want to think it was his way of telling me goodbye and that I was doing the right thing, but I still have moments when I feel like he was asking me to take him home. I will never know for sure.


But thanks, your post shows quite clearly I'm not the only one.

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As i said, for me one of the hardest aspects of having a pet is that you will outlive them and have to make end of life decisions. Also don't reproach yourself for the look you got, he may well have just been taking comfort in your attention and company. Dying is certainly a struggle and a caring face gives comfort

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