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Featured Story: For The Love



While I realize that we recently featured Hosted Author C James' Circumnavigation, after reading this great review by Wildone, I was all for featuring it this week - and it seems appropriate, since few can match our beloved Goat in his labors to diligently to turn out one wonderful tale after another for his readers here on GayAuthors. So with good Labor Day wishes to all (should this be Labor Day for you), here is Wildone's excellent (and cliffhanger-free), review:




Reviewer: Wildone
Status: Complete
Word Count: 224,315


Many great authors have broken their teeth through here at GA, so to speak.


One such person is C James. CJ, the Goat, started perusing his way around GA like many of us. He came to read, comment and finally decided to give a shot at putting a pen to paper. After a nervous and terrifying first Anthology he was able to continue to develop his skills with more Anthology entries. He finally began a novel in the old eFiction part of the site where he had put a story past his mentor and friend Ed Wooton a few years before joining GA.


For The Love is an excellent read and shows how someone (or even a goat) can learn from others and make the commitment and desire to put out a novel that still stands to this day as one of his many great stories.


CJ has a knack for introducing us to his characters in a rapid way, developing them very quickly yet very complete. He doesn’t overwhelm his readers with lots of new characters right off the start but takes the time to develop them all so you feel like you know each one personally.


For The Love is a love story, an action story and also what CJ is known for, mystery. Don’t be surprised to find yourself five or ten chapters in the story and say to yourself, damn, he gave me a clue about that back in the beginning.


Steve and Chris are two nearly eighteen year olds in a small, dare I say ‘hick’ town in Northern Arizona called Lonesome Valley. Chris is a tenant of Steve’s parents whose father is a deputy Sheriff in town. To say that they found each other’s immediately would be a lie. Also in typical CJ style there is lots of drama and action before the two even find out that each other are gay.


The story continues to build with each chapter with new characters that make you laugh out loud as well as build dislikes for others. Steve’s younger brother Eric is one such character.


Maybe borrowing a few similarities to the original Duke’s of Hazard TV show, the story has lots of action involving the main characters and a ’69 Dodge Charger, a Jeep, even a tow truck. A couple of blonds, a corrupt Sheriff and a hot brunette round out the similarities with the only thing missing is an Uncle Jessie.


If you ever wonder how CJ got the four time title of King of Evil Cliffhangers here at GA, then I highly recommend waiting a few minutes before clicking onto the next chapter on one of the few ‘ever-so-slightly-tense (CJ’s words, not mine) that you will encounter.


Backed up by an excellent team behind him; EMoe as his editor, with help from Conner, Graeme, Shadowgod, and Captain Rick as his betas and finally Bondwriter as his Zeta, CJ puts out a story that was well worth all the awards that it won when it was originally published here at GA.


For The Love is a true reflection of the quality of work and the fine attention to details that we all have come to expect from CJ. I’m sure he has his mentor Ed Wooton smiling down on him daily.


Lastly, feel free to join in on the year’s old debate of who the true hero of the story is (and don’t listen to Benji).

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Wow!!! <blush>


I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Wildone, Trebs, and all involved for this.


Thanks also to the many who have helped me along the way.


This does indeed bring back memories for me. Ed Wooton looked at an early draft of the first half of the novel, and he helped me greatly. I was devastated when he passed away, and that's probably why the story sat gathering electronic dust on my hard drive for quite some time.


My first try at posting a story online was indeed on the GA anthologies, and I'll say this for the benefit of any new author thinking of giving it a try; don't stress out! I know, because I sure did. On several occasions as publication day neared, I came within a hair of withdrawing it (It's called "No Shirt? No Problem!" in case anyone is curious). But, thanks to the support of friends, I let it go ahead and be posted. I didn't regret it. So, don't do as I did and cause yourself a lot of stress; give it a try, in the anthologies, GA stories, or wherever.


I soon got back into "For the Love" (which was named by my editor, Emoe, because I could not think of a title. Thanks Emoe!) And, again with a great deal of help and support, I again took the plunge and had a blast with it . I've been a writing addict ever since.


CJ :)

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