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Writing Prompts #206 & #207



"It's me again, Margaret!" :P No, I'm not quite that old but my Dad controlled the TV growing up. For you young'uns, maybe this will prompt you to google it; the man was funny! Okay, so this week I'm bringing you two more great prompts from our resident flash fiction guru man, Comicfan and a prompt selection from a new GA Author, Wicked Witch!


First, our dose of weekly inspiration:


Prompt 206 – Creative
Tag – The Dance
There is a long standing story that if any of the fairy folk ask you to dance, never say yes. Unfortunately you never liked to listen to people and you said yes. What happens when you are finally done with the dance?


Prompt 207 – Creative
Tag – The Fixer
They say for everything there is an opposite. So what is the opposite of those tricky jinns who have people make terrible wishes that end up destroying their lives totally? Meet a fixer. What do they do?


Now, on to our weekly highlight of prompt creativity! Wicked Witch posted his very first story here on GA using prompt #201 as inspiration for the first chapter in his new serial story, Dancing With Fate.

Iosac groaned in his sleep and rolled over unconsciously, letting his arm flop over the side of the expansive bed he shared with his chosen. It was clearly an uncomfortable position to sleep in but his constant snores revealed he hadn't woken; Iosac had dearly needed sleep, having spent far too long at the scrying pool the night before, draining his mana in the process. The boy had just been so fascinating, his potential future enthralling the Fate into the late hours of the night.


The sensation of soft fur rubbing against his errant hand provoked another groan and after the possessor of that fur rubbed against him the second time Iosac blearily opened his eyes, blinking in bewilderment at the dim light of early morning and briefly cursing Cahan for keeping those horrid cats before closing his
eyelids again to snuggle back against the warm body of his lover.


A tactically aimed claw puncturing his thumb sunk any hope of that however and jerked him properly awake, forcing Iosac to swiftly sit up and pull his arm out of the grasp of its impatient attacker.


"Why the nerve of that beast!" Iosac cursed and blustered as he pushed aside the sheets and crawled to the edge of the bed to peer down at the marble floor where a ginger and white feline was sitting and staring up at him with an expression the Fate was sure was the damned furball laughing.


Sighing in frustration Iosac stumbled out of bed, barefeet hitting the freezing stone of the floor and jolting his mind to function just enough to note the clock with another curse - swearing at cats fast becoming a habit of his. It was only seven and he just wanted to crawl back into bed next to his chosen but as he turned to go back to the led a glimmer caught his eye. The cat was sitting on something that glinted in the fast increasing light of the morning, drawing him onwards.


When he reached the cat, who sat a foot or so from the bed, Iosac grabbed the creature and heaved - pushing the plump feline aside with some effort. His brother must really have been feeding it well lately!
Iosac snatched the emerald necklace it had been sitting on and began yelling for his brother the moment he recognised it. "Cahan, get your kitty out of my chambers before I toast its whiskers!"


The man in question popped into existence next to Iosac just a moment later, his arrival coming with a faint puff of the scent fragrant spices and smoke, hinting at exotic lands, adventure and magical beauty.
Shaking his head to clear it of the magic that accompanied Cahan's teleportation, Iosac jerked a hand of accusation towards the feline - who was sitting innocently in the middle of a marble flagstone - and prepared to begin ranting. "This dirty thing had mother's charm necklace… Why the next time …."


Cahan just ignored him and knelt to pet the soft coat of his Familiar. "Calm down brother and think rationally. Did you even consider perhaps Tavus has a reason for dropping this gift at your feet?"
"Why would a cat … a dirty feline, a lowlife thief … have a reason for stealing magical jewellery!"


Another calming voice interrupted Iosac's second attempt to rant by posing a question that made him close his mouth in embarrassment; "What are you yelling about now love?" The voice of Iosac's chosen carried from the other side of the bed, where he was sprawled.


"This thing stole mother's necklace!" Iosac pointed an accusing finger at the cat while blushing slightly over the fact that he had woken up Jason because of his yelling.


The giant of a man scooted across the bed and gently pulled the necklace in question from his lovers hands, turning it over to study the runes etched into each gem. "This would be the emerald and silver charm necklace gifted to your mother by the wizard Affel on the occasion of her sixth hundredth wedding anniversary, correct? The one with the good luck blessing?"


Blushing even brighter red, Iosac nodded. "Um, yes."


Smiling Jason pulled Iosac into his lap, immediately diffusing any desire the angry Fate held to continue arguing. "Didn't you tell me last night you wished you could find a way to secure the safety of your little ward in the other realm?"


Again Iosac nodded, squirming in discomfort at being at a disadvantage in front of his brother.


Cahan smiled and stood up, the cat held in his arms where it purred contentedly. "Then it is settled. We will send this necklace to your human. We could shorten it even, make it a bracelet or anklet so he could wear it less obviously."


Jason wrapped his arms around Iosac and grinned. "Agreed. Now, go tend to your poor abused pet - I am
sure he wants to tell you all about the horrible deeds of an evil Fate he was just innocently trying to help one morning when he was viciously turned on and attacked."


Chuckling, Cahan vanished along with the cat with a 'pop'.


"Now don't you owe me something after that stunt, my love?"


Iosac squirmed, but it was out of sudden desire this time.

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I'm really surprised and honoured to see me mentioned :o


Prompts are such a great resource and this one just finally got my butt into gear to do some writing.

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WW - it was a great response, and just goes to show you - when you participate, anything can happen!   :-)

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