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Writing Prompts #208 & #209

Renee Stevens


I don't know about everyone else out there, but I always look forward to Fridays. Not just because its the start to the weekend, but because every Friday our resident prompt guru Comicfan brings us two new prompts! I couldn't tell you how many of these prompts I have started writing something for only to decide it needs to be continued. I have at least six prompts began on my computer. Maybe one these days I'll get them finished. Until then though, check out the new prompts and share them in the Writing Prompts forum.


Prompt 208 – Creative
Tag – The Medium
Well, your life hasn’t exactly been going as you wished. One day you go for lunch at the local restaurant only to have a young woman begin to pass your table and turn suddenly. She turns pale before she grabs your hand. What is it this medium has to tell you that has her so scared?


Prompt 209 – Creative
Tag – Spring
Choose any aspect of the season you want and write about it.


I'm apparently not the only one who has trouble with letting prompts end. This week we're featuring another prompt response from Wicked Witch. This time he has taken a crack at Prompt #206: There is a long standing story that if any of the fairy folk ask you to dance, never say yes. Unfortunately you never liked to listen to people and you said yes. What happens when you are finally done with the dance?" Once again, it's an awesome story and Wicked must have thought so as well, because he's going to continue it into a two or three chapter story!

Magic Of The Vale


Prompt #206 - There is a long standing story that if any of the fairy folk ask you to dance, never say yes. Unfortunately you never liked to listen to people and you said yes. What happens when you are finally done with the dance?"


I had long been told to avoid the Faerie Lord who ruled our town - the old women of the village said he was an evil man who preyed on human boys and girls. They claimed he used his magic to seduce careless and rebellious teenagers, taking them home to his fortress where he would ravish them in the night and then murder them for their blood before dumping them in the street the next morning.


The monthly town dance was said to be his hunting ground, where he would find a handsome boy and beautiful girl and then convince them to leave the dance with him; they would never be seen again after the dance, Penelope the Mayors wife, had said.


This was the way of Faerie I had always been told.


I wasn't rebellious boy though so this hadn't worried me ever before; I was just turned eighteen and while an oddity in my village for liking other men more than I liked girls I was obedient if troubled. My depressed attitude though came from my being 'gay'; nothing wrong with that, the town priest had said when I came out about it but I was still the only one with my particular leaning and it left me depressed about ever finding a boyfriend.


Shaking my head free of these thoughts, I turned back to getting ready for the dance. My sister was getting dressed in the next room, sure to be donning her finery while I just pulled on my least torn and cleanest tunic and changed into leather slacks instead of wool ones. I'd never needed fancy clothes and I wasn't looking to court anyone, so it didn't worry me.


Diamond Town's monthly dance was set to be the last Sunday of the month (which happened to be today) and was sure to be a big event. Rumour was the Prince of Faerie and his husband the Duke of Norrath were attending as they would be in town to review the diamond mine quotas.


I was wondering if I would be able to catch a glimpse of them when I was interrupted.


"What do you think of this dress, Noel?" My sister Elizabeth pushed apart the bedded curtain between the rooms and twirled around in a cotton dress embroidered with daisies that mother had painstakingly sewed on.


"You look fabulous." I stopped her mid twirl to hug her. "You'll be the desire of every boys heart at the dance."


Elizabeth beamed, her grin looking ready to burst off her face. "You are kind. And you my brother will break all the girls hearts once again."


I frowned. "You know I don't like girls in that way."


"I know and I do wish you could find someone like yourself, brother dearest. You have to admit your handsome and I am sure anyone would find you a delightful boyfriend. You're very kind." She smiled sadly, erasing her grin.


"It doesn't worry me." I lied, releasing my sister from the hug and turning to go. "Now, I must go find father and bid mother farewell. Who are you going with to the dance?"


"David is taking me - Merchant Peter's son."


"That is good. He is a nice boy. You make sure he treats you properly and tell me if he acts up." I smiled.


Elizabeth nodded back in affirmative as I exited the room.


That's just a little snippet of the story. Want to read more of it? Check it out here!


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I'm planning on submitting for the prompt for the first time. (YAY!!) What's the usual method? Post here like I'm doing now? Or is there a better option?

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Two good methods - go to the Writing Prompts forum, and you'll see a thread for each prompt.  Either post your response on that thread, or if you want, post it in GA.Stories and then a link to the story in the thread.

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