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Maybe Robocop wasn't that far fetched after all



Detroit is in the worst mess of decades with a falling population and property values, along with high unemployment. Crime is running rampant and the Police Department is being stretched thin.




Doesn't this sound like the premise of Robocop's dystopian future? Well, it's no longer science fiction, it is a fact of life and reality.


No, a cyborg cop won't save Detroit, nor would the evil OCP Corporation or the fabled "Delta City". The task of restructuring Detroit is going be ugly and long.


If Governor Snyder does choose an Emergency manager to take over the city (Doesn't that sound like the plot of RoboCop 2, weird coincidences between both reality and fiction), they will have very little time to work on the problem.


I recently found this link again and was reminded how Sci-fi can be so good at predicting future outcomes and that HG Well's epitaph "damning mankind for our ignorance in spite of his warnings" might be true.




Just a thought on Detroit issues.


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