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Gay marriage outrages "swivel-eyed loons"

Britain's Parliament is taking off two days - today and tomorrow - to debate a bill to introduce gay marriage in England and Wales backed by the Conservative / Liberal coalition. At the moment it seems likely to go through and become law allowing gays to get married despite the "swivel-eyed loons", the description given by a senior Conservative to describe "grass roots" Conservative Party members - essentially elderly coffin dodgers - who are angrily opposed to gay marriage. There are plans too in Scotland for a similar gay marriage law.


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The Tory backbone are anti-gay??  Surely not, oh small green one?



To be fair many of them are a lot more enlightened than their bigoted counterparts across the pond :P



I would be more than happy to take those Tories off your hands... but then I would have to stick you with the Republicans.  I would love to see the Democrats and Republicans have their own Question Time.



Politicians are held in pretty low regard on both sides of the pond. The only thing they deliver consistently is low standards of behaviour :P Yeah, I reckon a straight swap would be a bum deal for us - but it might give us some new targets to poke fun at :lol:

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