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Wedding Bells (part three-ish)



First things first, though not necessarily in that order, right?


This is part of a piece I shouldn't be working on, since it's the fourth (or fifth? Sixth, maybe, with the side-stories, I'm not quite sure) sequel to a piece I should be working on. Personally I blame Dio, since he's sick and can't defend himself. (and has the summary of that piece, waiting for a second read-over -- the first time he read it he was altogether too kind and I ended up savaging the plot. It's much better now, but that's neither here nor there. Mostly)


This is, though you'd probably not be able to tell immediately, a fantasy piece. It's the start of either the second or third chapter, so some of the stuff that might otherwise be in here, like physical descriptions and such, aren't, since we've already gotten those bits. If you need a visual, Ben looks very much like the avatar picture I use. (Only dressed) William's similar, only with slightly finer features, lavendar eyes, and white hair. (And dressed)


Yes, I do need better names for the two supporting cast members that show up partway through. Still working on that. I've got a little while, though I'd be thrilled with some suggestions. (Place names are all fake fantasy, people names are potentially mildly exotic western european)


Wedding Bells


"Are you sure we can't just take the horses," asked Ben for the fourth time, as he and William tried to finish packing the last of the two trunks William insisted they take with them. Ben had been growing steadily more antsy as the packing had continued.


"Yes, Ben, I'm sure," William replied with a sigh. "I don't like it any more than you do," he said as he put one last outfit into the trunk.


That was a lie, of course, and they both knew it. The arrival of their wedding outfits had sent William on a packing spree, digging through all the closets and cabinets in their bedroom, pulling out things that had lain undisturbed since they had moved into the townhouse a year prior. The room was a disaster, the bed and chairs covered in discarded clothing and accessories. The prospect of returning home for his wedding had, as far as Ben could tell, driven his love mad.


Knowing it was hopeless to try and stop William when he was like this, Ben swept some discarded tunics off of the chair in the corner and sat down. On the floor next to him were two backpacks, filled with normal clothing and traveling supplies. Sadly Ben regarded them


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oh sure, pick on the sick guy.


Is that the same 'Ben the barbarian who wasn't' I liked before? Or is this a completely different story. I seem to be living in a haze right now, so I apologize if that makes no sense... :blink:

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oh sure, pick on the sick guy.

Absolutely -- they can't fight back, and the nasal slime guysers are so much fun... :P

Is that the same 'Ben the barbarian who wasn't' I liked before? Or is this a completely different story. I seem to be living in a haze right now, so I apologize if that makes no sense... :blink:

Yep, same guy. This story takes place about a year later. The whole "What happens when they meet William's father" idea was kicking around, in part because of that first batch of comments you'd made, and I got to thinking, and well... here we are.


I think I PM'd you a synopsis of this before you started your Exorcist impersonation, FWIW. I definitely like this one. It's fun, and flows better than I'd expected.

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