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Featured Story: Man Of Montana



This GayAuthors.org News Blog thrives because of our community - so many of the reviews and articles are offered up by our wonderful members. For this week's review, we K.C. asked if he could do a review of one of his favorite stories - not only did we say yes (of course) but were thrilled when we got this great review. I hope you enjoy it, and if you are interested in reviewing a story or offering a Wacky Wednesday article (such as a writing tip or site tip), let me know!





Reviewed by: K.C.
Word Count: 71,565
Status: Complete


Richard is one of my favorite authors. His views on sexuality might be unconventional, but they are utterly amazing. He brings a fresh twist to every new story he writes. With such a large collection of stories, CarringtonRJ had contributed over 40 stories for GA’s readers to enjoy.


When he started posting Man of Montana, I waited with baited breath to get my paws on the finished story.


If I didn’t have one of those pesky little things they call a job, I would have finished this story in one sitting. Man of Montana captivated me right from the beginning or should I say right from the end? Richard threw in a major twist right from the start. This story starts in a very intriguing way by starting with the ending!


The main character, Chris was born and raised on a ranch in Montana, but he has never connected with country life. He’s always been an outsider amongst his family and everyone in the small town where he grew up. Excelling in school, Chris was sent away to boarding school at an early age. Studying away from the ranch, Chris has found his place in life until one day it’s all turned upside down by a mysterious accident back home.


It was his older brother, Jed who excelled in everything to do with the ranch and inherited the family business. After Jed’s sudden death, Chris comes home to run the ranch and quickly finds himself in a world he doesn’t belong.


There are secrets in this small country town that Chris can’t put his finger on. From Jed’s unexplained death and Chris’s mother’s strange behavior when he returns home, to the strong, silent, sexy ranch hand named, Carson that turns out to be Chris’s biggest mystery yet.


The story starts with a climax and suddenly fills with questions. It is a slow and steady build. The characters that Richard created are very believable. They are well rounded, full of mystery and endearingly flawed.


Check out Man of Montana for an excellent read.

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Recommended Comments

Carrington is one of the best writers on GA and I'm glad to see you've highlighted this story, KC!  One of the best aspects of Carrington's writing is that it doesn't fit easily into any specific genre.  Characters are fascinatingly fresh, familiar and yet unexpected.  Like real life, the characters in Man of Montana have mysteries that they continue to discover about themselves and each other.  


This is a really great read.  Highly recommend!

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Thanks so much for this, KC. You're a star! :)


Nope, thank you for giving us another amazing story.  I had to share with everyone, it was a great read! :D

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