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Dark times ahead

I was listening to Aker Bilk while watching America’s Test Kitchen, but Bilk had to wait. I can usually multitask, but not with watching television without my glasses on. I’m fairly good without the glasses as long as I’m doing something no more than an arm’s length away; then I’m in the range for the glasses.


I just filled an 8 oz. drink glass with probably a little over one-third of Aberlour (a very good Speyside Scotch); and, now I’m wondering if I should continue drinking Scotch or go back to the IPA (Inversion from Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Oregon). . . . and, yes, I’m close to the stupid suicide thoughts, again. I wish they would just go away. I know how writers and some of their fiction characters commit suicide, but I’m deathly (what a coincidence) afraid of drowning. Robin Williams took the easy way out. (I’ve thought about that means to the desired end.) I suppose I should call the suicide number, after all the number is on my contact list, or I could call the new psychiatrist at the clinic. (I guess she’s a she, which shouldn’t matter since my PC is a woman too.)


The dog just crawled out of his box and probably wants me to take him outside to do whatever he needs, but I’m not in the mood. Besides, there are wild animals out there who might have a taste of dog or maybe human. Some cougars do not have any qualms about attacking either dogs or humans, (They usually don’t think things out because attacking a human will result in people with guns and dogs tracking it to a place to give it a needle in the ass or a bullet if they are truly bad). plus they’re hard to see in the dark; then, there are black bears who might be interested in one more kill before they den up for hibernation. Quite possibly (the dog thinks) it can wait for my son to come home from work. He craps at the most inopportune times (Especially, when it’s dark and I can’t see the turds to pick up; and, no I can’t use a flashlight because he thinks it’s a toy, just like a cat.) and does everything when my son comes home about 11:15, anyway.


I know, I’m a jerk, but I’ve always had the strangest experiences out in the dark (also, I avoid swimming in rivers or lakes because there things, beasty things, who enjoy the taste of humans who are swimming in those places (I’ve read that Native Americans don’t swim in lakes either for the same reason.)


Son’s home and he took Rambo out for a pee and poop. Time to go.


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Time to make those calls, or at least tell your son what's happening. I'm so sorry you're feeling like this.



Awww, you have friends here.  Come here more often and chat.  Connect with others.  Life drags us all down at times. Hugs

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