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Csr October: Seasonal Spooktacular!



In honor of the season, I thought this month we'd do something a little different! Anthologies are a great chance to sample authors' writing. It's also fun to see how they twist the themes into original pieces. For this October CSR, I thought I'd feature some of the creatures we often imagine lurking about the shadows.


Pandora's Box: Rise of the Serpent by Celetheiel
Description: A group of friends find more than riches when they set out to explore an abandoned house. ~ 3,050 words


The Back-up Plan: Magic in the Air by Andy78
Description: Angus asks his supposed boyfriend Jason to the school formal. Not being ready to publically come out, Jason turns him down. Angus, in need of someone to go with, decides to magic himself up a date. ~ 5,039 words


Cracks in Time Poetry: Midnight by Mark92
Description: A poem about a werewolf. ~ 186 words


Recipe for Disaster: Ones and Zeroes by Mann Ramblings
Description: In the future, all para-humans are 2nd class citizens under constant control and supervision. Poll's sponsor is a securities specialist, specifically the man responsible for designing all tech the maintains the balance of human superiority. Poll accepts his world, he's well treated, until the disappearance of his twin brother Costa shatters his world view and forces him to decide where he stands. ~ 9,668 words


Ghosts: The Harpsichordist by Carl Holiday
Description: Michael’s partner of nine years cheated on him a couple months ago and, although he forgave Jerry, Michael is desperate to love Jerry again, even though there is a big hole in his heart. ~ 4109 words




Okay, so you have your spookies! Check out these stories, and don't forget to come back and share what flavor of freaky had you hiding under the covers the most on the CSR Discussion day! It'll take place the last Monday of the month, October 27th!

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