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Writing Prompts #370 & #371

Renee Stevens


Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has had a great week so far. To help you finish off your week and get a great start on your weekend, we have two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan! We'd love to see what you come up with, so don't forget to share your prompt responses in the Prompt Forum, you never know, your response might be shared next week!


Prompt 370 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in a story – turkey, gift, flowers, blue sweater, and a pen.


Prompt 371 - Creative
Tag – The Proposition
Life hasn’t gone too smoothly lately. Your job has been cutting back on both the hours and the work force. Your bills stay constant and things are just barely being met. Then you got sick and missed a month’s work while tests were run and you spent time in the hospital. With everything you saved gone it is getting desperate. That is when a proposition comes across the desk to you. Basically to the world outside you would be kept. A house, a car, and everything else, only you become the eye candy and the cook, but you can forget love and sleeping with them. You are just a cover. Do you go for it or possibly lose it all?


There were three great prompt responses from last weeks prompt responses, but this week I decided to feature Stephanie L Danielson's response to Prompt #369:

Mahogany. Yes, that was it. The intoxicating scent of mahogany penetrated the room every time I opened the door. It was a blissful scent to behold, one of power, and luxury, and one that fit the title of Human Resources Director.


I had finally made it, after years of slaving and kowtowing to whatever idiotic chief-in-charge at the time, I finally bested them all and caught the CEO’s attention enough to become what I called the Overlord of HR. No power trip there, huh? Me? No.


I loved it. I loved everything about it. This was my time at last! Of course, there was also the bonus of being able to pick and choose my first assistant, some hungry kid who wanted my office at some point.


Bring ‘em on.


Over the next two weeks I was inundated with resumes, which I skimmed over and put into stacks. The other girls offered to help, but I didn’t want their ATS to do my search. No sir. This was too personal.


Being a speed reader helped for sure as I read countless name and put them into various piles, when my eyes fell upon a name that seemed familiar. Craig Blust. The last name seemed very familiar as well and my breath hitched. Could it be? Holy shit, could it be the same one that…. No. couldn’t be. That was a common last name, right? Damn I hope so.


To read the rest, click here.

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Hmmm #371 is tempting me to write a new story featuring  Martin and Roman . Any interest in 'Lonely Heart Club - a prompt story' ?

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  • Site Administrator

Sounds great, Addy!  Go for it! 


There are two great prompts this week.  I have ideas for both of them.  Now let's see if I can manage to write them and my antho story! 

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