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Weekly Wrap Up!

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. We went to the stock car races, watched 2 fires burning, and then watched the fireworks. How did you spend your 4th of July? For those who don't celebrate the 4th, how did you spend your Saturday? While you contemplate answering that question, here's what happened this past week on the GA News Blog:


Monday was the CSR Discussion Day for Where Life Takes Us By Kuragari129. Cia did an interview with Kuragari, and then the comments were opened up for readers to ask their own questions.


Myr took over on Tuesday to bring us a blog about tagging. He's given some great advice and I've even started using the tagging system for the GA News Blog.


Wednesday was this months Ask An Author feature from Dark. These entries are great because they give the members a chance to ask their favorite authors a question, without having to ask it themselves.


Friday once again gave us a couple of new prompts from Comicfan. For the featured prompt response, I chose to feature Valkyrie's response to prompt #426.


Anthology Announcements:


***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team***

  • 2016 Anthology Theme Suggestions open July 1st - July 31st
  • 2015 Fall Anthology: Blurred Edges - Due September 3rd
  • 2015 Winter Anthology: Blackout - Due December 3rd

In Premium


Pretty Little Thing by Nephylim


By our Signature Authors:


Saturday Shorts by Renee Stevens


Leopard Spots by Graeme; Book 2 of The Lilydale Leopards


Black Widow by Mark Arbour; Book 16 of Chronicles Of An Academic Predator (CAP)


HMS Valiant by Mark Arbour; Book 7 of Bridgemont


Sword of Kings: Tested by Adversity by Bill W


Global Explorer II by David McLeod


Fortitude by Cia


Acceptance of Fate by Krista


Force of Nature by Krista


Cosmic Inception by Cia


By our Promising Authors:


The English Year by Jwolf


Avery & Matt shorts by craftingmom


Presence by Carringtonrj


The Hollow Hills by Valkyrie


2015 Prompt Responses by Valkyrie


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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I spent my 4th of July photographing out town parade, then attending the town and country picnic, checking out the classic car and having some amazing food, then heading to the rodeo and photographing that. Came home, had some BBQ with the family, then started reading a new book. 

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Because you asked: After having spent a pleasant two weeks visiting family in Ohio, my morning consisted of packing (trying not to forget anything). Later, my small hometown put on a rather long, slow parade. Though, to be honest, it was really quite a nice event. My stepfather was one of the veterans carrying a flag and leading the parade as part of the color guard. What followed was the who's who of  towns politicians, a Brownie troop, 4H marching band (I didn't know they had them), farming vehicles, and etc. I thought the Belgian horses in their finery, tossing heads dramatically, and pulling a large carriage were a mighty fine spectacle.


As luck would have it, I ran into the mother of one of my very best friends from my high school days. I sat down beside her and said 'Well, hello there.' curious to see if she would recognize me after not seeing each other for three decades. She looked closely at me and pulled my name out of memory lickity-split. My old friend and I have lost touch; he now lives in Utah.


After the very nice afternoon event I headed to airport for a 7:00 pm flight home to Boston. All boarded the plane on time and as we sat there waiting (doors closed) for taxing, there came an announcement: there was a small problem with the rear door of the plane... a technician was on the way. A part needed to be brought in, we were de-boarded, we waited in the departure lobby... and waited... and waited. Now, just to make this more interesting, everything related to food and drink, with the exception of Dunkin Donuts, shut down—closed up—at 5:30 pm just as I and my flight companions were arriving for the flight. So no food and no alcohol which, come to think of it, was probably a good thing.


Four hours after departure time Jet Blue finally called the flight—insert angry mob sounds—and begrudgingly handed out hotel vouchers to the airport Sheraton. Which is where you would find me, should you be at the hotel, writing this message, because my flight doesn't leave until 7:00 pm.


I have time to kill!


Edit: It is now 10:01 pm and I am home and most everything is put away. I got my seat upgraded and all is well. :)

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It was a lovely weekend for Ran and me. We went for a bike ride, cooked out, went to some lovely fireworks that included smiling faces and hearts. Quite interesting take on rockets red glare. I then processed three gallons of sour cherries today and made a cherry upside down cake which is delish! Managed to sandwich in some writing and Ran is finishing up reading Barbed Wire Heart. It made my weekend that he's loving it. Thanks Renee!

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