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Writing Prompts #428 & #429

Renee Stevens


It's that time again! Yep, new prompts are here to hopefully spark your imagination. If you've been facing writers block, are new to writing, or just want to write something new, take a look. Don't forget to share your prompts in the prompt forum to give yourself a chance to be considered as the feature prompt response next week. This weeks prompts are:


Prompt 428 – Creative
Tag – The Nap
You have been feeling totally drained lately and just don’t know why. Rather than go to see the doctor you decide you just need rest. You call into work and take a week off. Your boss isn’t happy but it is your first vacation in two years. You curl up on your couch and proceed to fall into a deep sleep. When you finally do wake up, you find you are in a hospital bed and fifteen years have passed. What happened?


Prompt 429 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Go take a shower, while I make you something to eat.”


This week, I chose Valkyrie's response to Prompt #426. Enjoy.

I set the paintbrush down and stepped back to survey my work. The contractors had finished building my new porch the day before, and I spent the entire day painting it. It was the last of a series of renovations that had taken years to complete. I grinned and pulled out my phone to take some pictures so I could post the results of my efforts on Facebook.


I headed inside and took a shower after selecting my outfit for Ted’s party. I belted out my favorite song as I lathered my body under the warm stream of water. One of the advantages of living alone was that I didn’t have to worry about making a fool of myself when I sang in the shower. I was in a great mood and briefly debated making myself even happier as I ran the soap over my nether regions. I was running a bit late, though so decided a little tension this evening would be worth the later release.


Read the rest, here.

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Recommended Comments

Told ya before, Val. That story was fantastic!!!


I hope being featured here gives it a lot more exposure.

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