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Updates And Randomness



today was fun and amusing. on this site for a few days, and already making mistakes, lol. ADD and writing always make a fun mix. I have quit a few projects saved on this site already, just not any that were set to be published. talk about amusing and embarrassing when you get an email about something being denied for publishing for whatever reason and not realizing you had clicked to publish rather then save to finish later. at least on the fun side I did actually publish a piece of work that I wanted to rather then just save it. The joys of being technologically declined. On the plus side I have found this site to be full of tons of polite and helpful people. and of course once I become more familiar with this site I will be having a blog that is actually worth reading .... hopefully ....

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Mistakes happen :) What's cool is that here at GA, admins, mods, and any other members are always willing to lend a helping hand. :D

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