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Firstly ... it is on the advice of my beta Miss Cassie that I apparently need to promote my chapter releases a little more publicly. This isn't a bad idea and can't hurt, so it is with that in mind that I have created this thread. Of course, if you are a regular reader I would encourage you to follow the stories themselves so you will get notifications delivered. For those that are passersby or more infrequent visitors, I will henceforth make an update in this thread whenever new material goes up. Any detailed discussion of the story content/themes should still take place in the requisite places for Hidden Sunlight and Veil of Shadow, and the same goes for any future works. So keep an eye out!


Secondly, (a slightly belated) happy Saint Valentine's Day to everyone! It's worthy of an especially geeky author's mention this year because of the exact date and the thematic significance in Hidden Sunlight's universe of the numbers 2 and 14 in combination. Readers may recall that these numbers spring up in many places in the first book and the relevance of Friday's date -- 14-02-2014 -- is perfectly obvious and unique in that regard. This date sequence of numbers will only repeat once (in 2041) between now and 14-02-2104 - the date the Sharpe virus arrives! I couldn't have planned that if I tried, but the numbers pounced on my autistic sense of pattern-detection and refused to let go! The cataclysm is exactly 90 years away, folks! Please warn your grandkids ;)


Happy reading 'til the next chapter post!

Edited by Renee Stevens
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And here we go!


Chapter 5 of Veil is up. Plenty is going on here, the culmination of the last couple of chapters!


The turnaround time for this chapter was far longer than I wanted. I wasted a lot of time in mid-late January, so in all likelihood the next one will be quicker. Here's hoping.

Edited by Stellar
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But you're cute and talented, so we can forgive a lot. :lol:


Mann, you are such a charmer  :*)


Also, this beast has been offloaded onto my betas.


*wipes his hands*

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Chapter 6 is up!


Were you missing Mira? Well ... he's back! There are a tonne of things separating him from Shay, but he is hardly one to be discouraged by nigh-impossible conditions!


It's a long one, so sit back and enjoy the action.

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