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C S R Discussion Day: Dean Warner Intrigues By Daddydavek



This month I featured Daddydavek's first story on the site, Dean Warner Intrigues. This story has been called absolutely wonderful and great by reviewers. What did you think? Make sure you share your thoughts about this story below, but first enjoy my interview with Daddydavek!


by Daddydavek


Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom?
Neither. Tom is an oxymoron in that he is portrayed as a somewhat lovable bully doomed to fail. Jerry is a diminutive smart alec that loves to turn the tables on the bully. It makes for great sight gags and the cartoons were well received and are classics.
The cartoon figure I liked best was Snoopy.


Have you ever gone out in public, realized your shirt is on backwards, and just don’t care?
I must be incredibly anal, but no, never!


If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?
“A Work in Progress” or “Still Enjoying new experiences”


Name one entity that you feel supported you in your writing endeavors outside of family members.
The internet is the best research tool around if used carefully.


Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Getting the dialogue 'in character' and keeping it that way.


Did something specific inspire you to write Dean Warner Intrigues?
I read a lot and noted there were so many stories of young adults with a tortured past filled with hate and/or abuse. I wanted to write something that had more positive relationships.


So, when I was thinking about writing it, I wanted a story that wasn't full of teenage angst. I knew the story had to have some tension as I didn't think I could write characters that were so engaging that characterization could carry the story. DWI was the result. While my computer history goes back to the early 1980's and a Commodore 64 which then graduated to Windows 3.0 and continued with Windows 95, 98, 98 second edition, Win2000, Windows Millennial, and Windows 7, I remain a user, not a programmer or a network tech guy. My point is that I'm sure a techie would shoot all kinds of holes in parts of my story.


If you could give advice to yourself when you first started writing Dean Warner Intrigues, what would it be?
Don't always over think it so much. Sometimes you just got to spin your yarn and see where it leads.


Did the characters or the plot come to you first?
The characters, all who are an amalgamation of my own invention based on my sixty plus years of reading everything from Aristotle (On memory and reminiscence) to Zelazny (The Chronicles of Amber).


What was your favorite scene to write in this story?
Being a rather dirty old man, I enjoyed writing the love scenes and hope I didn't go into too much detail, but it was a story of discovering love too. However, my favorite chapter is the epilogue where I wrapped up the story. It was short, but sweet.


Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I'm divided between doing a story about the red headed Sean from DWI and a look back story by Bill from Abel III's Awakening after he and Steve come into their powers.....


Neither story thread has made it into a working outline that I like, so I'm letting them percolate while I continue to catch up on the many hundreds of books on my Kindle...


Okay folks, now's the time to share your thoughts!!

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I liked the story, also because I finally found someone else who liked describing rather than doing dialogue. ;)

shouldn't this be at the top of the forum page, bwt?

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Featuring a blog has to be done manually, and while I can set this to go live at 1 AM, I'm not getting up to do it at that time. :P

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That's perfectly understandable. I guess I'm used to things having shifted to the new day, when I get home from work, but this happened earlier than usual today. So what's the time where you are now, Cia? It's 5 pm here.

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I liked the story, also because I finally found someone else who liked describing rather than doing dialogue. ;)

shouldn't this be at the top of the forum page, bwt?


i admit that I find describing dialogue much easier than doing it and I'm sure both of my stories reflect that.  

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Regarding research and being anal, I just wanted to point out that all of the sports mentioned in the stories and the team's standings accurately portray the scores, results or standings actually at that time.  The internet made those verifiable.... unless I got crossed up somewhere along the line.  And yeah, I do really over-think everything.

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I'm on Pacific, so I featured it between 7:30 and 8:00 AM.

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DDK, I really enjoyed this story. I still have a few chapters left to read, but I should be done today. Now, I just got to write up the reviews. :)

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I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to read it in time for the discussion.  It's on my list, though so I'll get to it eventually ;) 

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good morning to you, Cia.

and now I can't like your replies, DDK, cause I foolishly used all of them on your story. :facepalm: I read it before I began using the like button, so now I'm trying to make up for that.

btw Sean was actually my favorite character, I liked seeing a mature gay man portrayed so nicely.

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It turns out I read this years ago, and loved it then. You picked a good name for the story, Dave. I'm rereading it now, but I've only made it to chapter 7 so far, as you well know. I'm glad to see it and you featured... and recommend this and especially Abel lll's Awakening. I do have one question. Will this story being featured inspire you to start posting one of those new ideas you have? You have a lot of fans out here :) . Cheers, buddy... Gary...

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I hope so, but I'm still not happy with my outline and don't quite know which of several ways I want to take it...My problem is complicated by a small problem with cubital tunnel syndrome which is leaving my left pinky and ring finger somewhat numb so my fumble fingers are getting more so....

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There is narrator software that Columbus Guy is using because of his vision... in your case, it would really reduce the strain on your digits because you'd only be required to edit... or you could have someone do the physical part of that as well, like I do for CG... just a thought...

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good morning to you, Cia.

and now I can't like your replies, DDK, cause I foolishly used all of them on your story. :facepalm: I read it before I began using the like button, so now I'm trying to make up for that.

btw Sean was actually my favorite character, I liked seeing a mature gay man portrayed so nicely.


Sean is one of my favorite characters too and is actually an amalgamation of a couple of real characters I know---neither of whom is gay, but should be.

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Sean is one of my favorite characters too and is actually an amalgamation of a couple of real characters I know---neither of whom is gay, but should be.

I seem to recall asking you way back when if he would get his own story. Good to hear you're thinking about it. :)

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