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Premium Promo: A Chance At Love

Renee Stevens


Note: I (Renee) will be going out of town starting either today (25th) or tomorrow (26th). The anthology deadline for sending to the proof team is tomorrow. If you haven't already sent your story in, then you will need to include both Cia and me in the PM to pair you with a member of the proof team. This way, if it is received after I leave, Cia will be able to get you set up. Thanks!!!


Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to it's members, one of the ways that it has managed to do so is through it's Premium Subscribers. Members choose to help support the site and keep it going by purchasing Premium Content which consists of a number of stories that are only available on the site by purchasing Premium. There are many great stories to be found in the Premium section. Today, we are going to look at A Chance At Love by wolfwriter.


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Can the star quarterback come to terms with being gay and what that will mean for him in the years to come?


Max is a seventeen year old football player who has been struggling with his sexual identity. He has never had any true interest in girls but has dated them off and on to see if he can connect with any of them. Unfortunately,he has not found anyone that he connected with until Jason transferred to Max's school.


Category: Fiction Genres: Romance Tags: Teen, Young Adult, Sports, Friendship, Gay, Under 18 Rating: Mature Words: 50,185


A Chance At Love Excerpt:


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the star athlete dating the head cheerleader? Well, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. I should know, I’m the starting quarterback for the El Paso High Tigers and I’ve been dating Chloe since the beginning of our junior year.


I guess I should probably introduce myself. My name is Max Thompson Jr. Every morning I get up and look in the mirror to see a guy with dark brown hair, light hazel eyes, and a set of six pack abs. My looks have gotten me many girlfriends in the past, but I just have not found anyone that I can connect with on a deeper level. I know as teenagers, we should be having fun. After all, you only live once… But I can’t help but feel there is something missing in all of my relationships, including my relationship with Chloe.


I know that every time one of my previous relationships ended, Chloe was always there. I was always hoping that she would be the one that I would be able to stick with. But I have come to the conclusion that I need to end things with her. I don’t want to hurt her any more than necessary, but I know it needs to be done.


Chloe would be anyone’s ideal girlfriend; she is about five foot seven with blond hair and blue eyes. Unfortunately, there isn’t that deep connection I’m looking for and I have decided that until I find the person that completes me, I’m not going to be dating anyone.

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