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Featured Story: Song And Dance

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to start the new week. To help your week get started off right, we have a new featured story for you to take a look at. Whether you read or write, you most likely know Headstall and not only does Headstall write, but he reads and reviews a lot of other authors' work. Today it's Headstall's turn in the limelight, with this review of Song and Dance provided to us by LitLover. Hope you enjoy!




Reviewer: LitLover

Status: Complete

Word Count: 39,098


Song and Dance is a companion story to Headstall’s, Cards on the Table. If you haven’t read up to Chapter 17 of CotT, this review will contain spoilers.


Headstall, or Gary as many of his readers know him, is a self-proclaimed romantic, and one of the things I love is that the men in his stories unabashedly embrace their own romantic sides. SaD’s Chet and Arron are perfect examples of these types of men.


Song and Dance is a story about two men learning to trust hearts that have gotten them hurt in the past, and taking a leap of faith. As the title says, life is a song and dance… it’s a matter of finding the right partner. SaD evoked many emotions from the readers. There were tears, and heartache, but there was also laughter, and happiness as we watched both men grow and heal. A few times there was even yelling at my screen (I still think Ian needed a kick in the behind), but mostly, there was romance as Chet and Arron moved away from their pasts, and figured out what it meant to be loved.


In the first chapter of SaD we catch up with Chet, Kendall’s new friend from Cards on the Table. Chet hasn’t had much luck with relationships, and is extremely lonely. Kendall, who’s been lovingly dubbed ‘Saint Kendall’ by many, doesn’t like the fact that his friend is alone, and wants to help him meet someone. Kendall and his reluctant partner Michael conspire to have Chet meet Michael’s co-worker Arron. Arron, a police officer, is just as lonely as Chet, and has had his own misfortunes in love.


Kendall’s plans are derailed when Chet and Arron meet on their own and realize their friends are trying to set them up on a blind date. The rest of the story follows these two men as they learn about love, commitment, trust… and plotting revenge on interfering friends.


If you are the least bit romantic, I encourage you to read Song and Dance. I know it’s on my “to read again and again” list.


Category: Fiction Genres: Drama, Romance Tags: Mature Adult, Adult, Gay, Anal, Oral Rating: Mature

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Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator

I started this story, but don't think I finished it.  I'm not sure why, since I did enjoy it.  I'll be sure to continue reading where I left off.  :)

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  • Site Moderator

Read this story and loved it!! :) :) :)


The MCs Chet and Arron are warm hearted and engaging. The type of guys a person would be fortunate to have as friends. Like so many (all, in fact) of Gary's characters, there is a realness to them that leaves you believing they exist in the real world. 

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This is a personal favorite of mine. :D Lit, you summed up what we all felt when we read SaD and I now want to reread it again after reading your wonderful review. :)


I have to admit, but my favorite scene between Chet and Arron didn't occur in SaD, it occurred in CoTT when they deployed their 'revenge' on Kendall... :gikkle:


Gary, I'm glad SaD gave you confidence in your own writing. A part of me cannot understand how you didn't have the confidence to begin with, then again, SaD was the first time you ventured beyond your first story.

Anyway, in almost a year and a half, you have continued to write stories that became instant favorites. :hug:

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This is a personal favorite of mine. :D Lit, you summed up what we all felt when we read SaD and I now want to reread it again after reading your wonderful review. :)


I have to admit, but my favorite scene between Chet and Arron didn't occur in SaD, it occurred in CoTT when they deployed their 'revenge' on Kendall... :gikkle:


Gary, I'm glad SaD gave you confidence in your own writing. A part of me cannot understand how you didn't have the confidence to begin with, then again, SaD was the first time you ventured beyond your first story.

Anyway, in almost a year and a half, you have continued to write stories that became instant favorites. :hug:

Thanks, Drew... when I first started writing, it was a little frightening. It took a while to build up some confidence, and to this day, I still question everything I do. All the support I've gotten, and get, really helps, and with each new story. I gain a little more... SaD showed me I could be a writer beyond "Cards on the Table" :hug:

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CONGRATS, GARY for SaD being featured!! :)  :)


Awesome review, Lit!! :) 


I'm so bad; I didn't even finish CotT  yet. :(  But I really liked Chet, so I do need to read this also.


Gary is such a great author who knows just how to bring out the emotions in his readers.


Congrats again, Gary!!! :D   :D

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CONGRATS, GARY for SaD being featured!! :)  :)


Awesome review, Lit!! :)


I'm so bad; I didn't even finish CotT  yet. :(  But I really liked Chet, so I do need to read this also.


Gary is such a great author who knows just how to bring out the emotions in his readers.


Congrats again, Gary!!! :D   :D

Thanks, Lisa. :hug:

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Thanks everyone. I've never had a story featured before... it's cool! I've learned a lot since writing Song and Dance, but I'm still proud of it. It gave me confidence because I proved to myself I could write more than one story. That was important for me at the time. Thank you, LitLover, for the awesome review, and for having the desire to do so.  Thank you, Renee for featuring it.. I appreciate the kind words from those who commented... cheers... Gary....


It was hard to do such a wonderful story justice in only a few paragraphs.  You deserved some recognition of your own for your hard work and dedication to putting out such wonderful stories and characters. 

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