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Touching Base

This is something I wrote to my Patreon supporters, but I figured I'd seek some input here, too.

Hello everyone!

I'm writing to inform you of a number of things going on with my writing at the moment.

First, I will soon be releasing another serial titled "Fearless". It's a shorter work, only 11 chapters long, and it was fun to write, though I'm not sure what the reaction will be from my readers. I wrote it differently than I've ever written anything else, and I'm curious to see how it will be received. It will start posting midway through June, after From The Cup of The Worthless finishes posting.

Second, I'm struggling a bit with what to write next, and here's one of the things which might impact you. This last little while has been a bit rough for me, and all the ideas which are coming to me are dark ones. I can't guarantee the next serial I release after "Fearless" will be a lighthearted one.

I can attempt to write something fitting my normal stories. I can force myself to work on something which the muse isn't calling to me on, and I might just be able to finish something by the time "Fearless" is done, and it'll be okay.

But it won't be great. It won't have my soul in it, because it's not what's calling to me right now. At the moment, the only things which go anywhere are stories which deal with a great deal of negative emotions I'm trying to work through. If I allow myself to work on one of these, I believe it'll be one of the best things I've ever written.

However, in the end you'll be the ones reading it, and that's why I'm hoping for some input on what to write next. Which would you prefer? Something which isn't dark and brooding, or something emotional and visceral?

All comments are appreciated.

Thank you

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Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator


Write what your muse is telling you to write.  If it's dark, that's just fine.  We'll go along for the ride with you. :hug: 

  • Like 3
C. When


Seconded. Write what you want to or need to write. I, for one, also like dark stories and I'm sure some of your other readers do as well. If you write a great story, there will be people who would want to read it.

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Renee Stevens


I have to agree with what the other two have said. Write what you want to write. If you write what you're not feeling, that's going to come through the story.

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I'm with the others. Write from where you're currently at. Maybe working through it will help it pass. You can't force what isn't there 'cause you'll only hate it.

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I offer a different take for comparison's sake. Force yourself to write out of your comfort zone. You'll write differently, sure, but perhaps not as poorly as you think. In addition, you might find yourself paying closer attention to the page than you normally would—not a bad thing. As a result of these efforts, you may create something unexpected and wonderful.

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Write what your muse is telling you to write.  If it's dark, that's just fine.  We'll go along for the ride with you. :hug:


Seconded. Write what you want to or need to write. I, for one, also like dark stories and I'm sure some of your other readers do as well. If you write a great story, there will be people who would want to read it.


I have to agree with what the other two have said. Write what you want to write. If you write what you're not feeling, that's going to come through the story.


I'm with the others. Write from where you're currently at. Maybe working through it will help it pass. You can't force what isn't there 'cause you'll only hate it.


I offer a different take for comparison's sake. Force yourself to write out of your comfort zone. You'll write differently, sure, but perhaps not as poorly as you think. In addition, you might find yourself paying closer attention to the page than you normally would—not a bad thing. As a result of these efforts, you may create something unexpected and wonderful.

Despite all the great advice from all of you, it seems that I'll actually be writing the sequel to "From The Cup of The Worthless" because chapter one is writing like a dream. :D


Thank you all for your support, and I think you've all made some excellent points. I do need to trust my muse and write what comes to me, instead of playing to the audience. 


As for your advice, Ron, my muse has taken me down such paths before, and I've loved it every time I've stepped outside my comfort zone, though it was certainly daunting. I wrote my first historical fiction that way, and I joined my first writing contest that way, and both are experiences I'll never forget and I learned from. It's great advice, so thank you.

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If you write I'll read it and feel blessed you chose us to share your gift with.

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I'm sorry you've been having a rough time.


Don't force yourself to write something to please hypothetical readers, just write what you are inspired to.


I've never been disappointed by anything you have written.

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