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Trump: Another Look

I've been fascinated by this guy for some time.


You see I was around in 1992 when the evil midget H Ross Perot showed up, acted crazy and took the margin of victory away from Papa Bush. I was expecting the daffy billionaire with a bee in his bonnet to make a statement and then fadeaway. 


When he won the republican primaries, I was surprised.


Trump out-republicaned republicans. Mainstream republicans like Cruz, Rubio and Paul were bulldozed.


When he won the nomination, I was shocked.


No. Not like amusing shocked. More like holy shit, how did that happen shocked.


How he beat Hillary Clinton's machine in the general elections is something darned few people saw coming.


EVERYBODY has misunderestimated Trump.from day 1.


Notice the word I used? Misunderestimated is a Bushism and I used it on purpose. The left made the same mistake with George W. Bush.


I had an Uncle who was with the Air Force the very day it stopped being the Army Air Corp and became a stand alone service. Uncle Richard was a brilliant man who served all over the world and retired with 30 years service. I used to love to talk to him because he had been there and done that for all practical purposes everywhere. Many people who listened to his southern accent and not what he actually said would have thought he was just another bumpkin. Bumpkins don’t get to wear Oak Leaves or fly B-52s.


I see this quality in Trump. I know you’re laughing but stick with me. The proof is in the pudding. Trump may have had his business ups and downs but he was successful enough to be a billionaire. Billionaires that are morons are quite rare.


Trump ran a sophisticated campaign that unseated one of the most powerful top-down political organizations with multi-national reach ever. Trump manipulated the media during the primaries and the general election and had a hostile press eating out of his hands.


Have you ever heard of a republican running as a populist? I thought democrats held the patent for that. He did it and, he won with it. Populism is a very sophisticated campaign strategy. It has to be consistent. If he spoke like most politicians- like a lawyer- it simply would not have worked. That’s why his speeches were very simple using ordinary language, unambiguous, declarative and repeated central themes several times. If you saw him as a simpleton, you were dead wrong. He spoke to the people in a way that they would respond. Populists have been using this methods for centuries and it works. Consider the following:


And during the few moments that we have left, we want to have just an off-the-cuff chat between you and me—us. We want to talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand. -Malcolm X’s Message to the Grassroots speech.


Watch any Trump stump speech. It's there.


For my final exhibit, consider this famous tweet:



Everybody made fun of this. No one knew what it meant. Trump is obviously senile or an idiot, right?


The media and the usual celbutards made complete an utter jackasses of themselves, the truth emerges.


Covfefe is an Arabic word meaning I will stand.


The media, not willing to be made a fool of, says no, it's not so.


Native Arabic speakers say different and, he just returned from Saudi Arabia. 


Whose lying? I'd say it was the people so wrapped up in their own political bullshit and hate that they can't possibly see their adversary in terms other than stupid or evil. It is that sort of blindness that gets you beaten. It jut takes watching a few election cycles to see this very clearly. Both sides have made this mistake and both sides have paid dearly for it.


There's more than meets the eyes to Trump. He may look dumb but he ain't. Misunderestimate him at your peril.


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