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July Signature Author Feature: Torn in Two by Graeme



July has come and with it so many events for me I can't pick between if I'm coming or going... so I chose Graeme's story, Torn in Two, as this month's feature. Please enjoy this short story and leave him a comment or review! 

Graeme Torn in Two Lg.jpg

Length: 9,024

Description: Scott's heart is torn in two directions. He wants to leave Greenwood to be with his boyfriend, but he can't leave his grandfather, who needs him.

A Reader said:  just read the story and loved it ❤️

As always, Graeme, thank you for sharing your great talent of writing amazing stories. :worship:  ~ Wildone

If you want to spread the word about Graeme's story, download the graphic below and add it to your signature!

Graeme Torn in Two Md.jpg

Make sure you come back on Wednesday to see the excerpt I chose to share!

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This is a great short read that I first read a few years ago, for some reason I didn't comment or leave a review. I reread it today and appreciated it more than I did the first time I read it. As a result, I've corrected my shortcomings and left a good comment and the review that I feel it deserves. I noticed that @chris191070 has also left a good review, I hope others will read and do the same. I feel sure that nobody will regret reading it.

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I will have to make the time to read this. @Graeme is one of the authors I remember being here when I joined originally back in 2008, and I enjoyed his stories then. 

Thank you!

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