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wainage - Word of the Day - Wed Jul 24, 2024




wainage  - (noun) - the team and implements needed for the cultivation of land

season 1 hay GIF by Outlander


The farmer’s wainage was well-maintained, ensuring a bountiful harvest each season.


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The wainage for a modern farm can easily be worth between one and four million dollars. Corporate farms can go as high as twenty million dollars.

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4 hours ago, JamesSavik said:

The wainage for a modern farm can easily be worth between one and four million dollars. Corporate farms can go as high as twenty million dollars.


Seeing the above, I fear that the family farm, as most of us imagine it in our minds, is just that, a fond, but  wistful  memory. I was born in a village, but came to Canada(got off the ship in Montreal and never left), when I was three years old and recall almost nothing of my life there.

The old reference to the back forty, is now most likely the back 400/4,000 acres. The old Maw and Pa operation, of an age gone bye.

For those of you, still interested in the farm thing(best of luck), I came across this, it might give you some new ideas and allow your dream to come true.

27 Most Profitable Small Farm Ideas


Good luck,


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