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The First Entry



Welcome to Talon's Claw. I've decided to do a blog. People may be wondering who I am. I'm sure by now that everyone knows I'm Nick's editor.


I'll start out with my professional life.


I've been in Health Care for 37 years. I started out working part time in Dietary at the local hospital. In 1972 thru 1984, I worked in Surgery as an orderly until I was transferred for what was called some restructuring. That was BS on their part, but I'm not going to get into that right now. So at the beginning of 1985, I worked in the Housekeeping Department. Nine months later, I became a supervisor. Eventually, I was given the added responsibility the Laundry.


Then in the late 80's at the encouragement of my boss, I joined the National Institutional Laundry and Linen Management (NAILM) organization. This next part, you'll probably find hard to believe. Most people do. My boss at the time encouraged me to go to NAILM's educational program known as the American Laundry and Linen College (ALLC). This is a very intense program done in 3 parts at different times of the year.


In 1990, I began Part 1, which is 1 week in length. A typical day went like this. At 7:30 am, including Saturday's, we were bused to the Eastern Kentucky University campus for classes. 8:00 to 8:15, 16 question quiz over the previous day's material, then class until noon. Noon to 1:00 pm lunch. 1 pm to 5 pm, afternoon session. 7 pm to 9 pm, group project and study at the dorm, which was actually the local Holiday Inn. Sunday's we were expected to spend 4 hours in our groups.


Parts 2 & 3 were two weeks each and the only difference's to part 1 was, mid-terms where held at the end of the first week and finals on the last Friday with graduation of all 3 parts that same night.


During each part, each class was given a project to work on and them present it to a panel of facilitators. In part 3, the project was to design a laundry, either on site or off site. During the course, the thru us some twists for the project. One thing they did to us was throw a union into it.


At the completion of all 3 parts, I graduated a Registered Laundry and Linen Director (RLLD). My boss, from the hospital, made arrangements to be on had to present me with my pin. She was also a facilitator.


On a side note. I'm also a member of ACE, the American Coaster Enthusiasts. And if and when the Gallery is online, I'll post some pictures.


The next entry will be called Black Friday.


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hoooray!!!!!!!! You have a blog now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I started out working part time in Dietary at the local hospital.



Me to, I was going to ASU when I started but still was not sure what I wanted to do with my life. The Chief Clinical Dietitian basically force me to get my BA in Science Food and Nutrition. It was a really small hospital and I am so grateful :) for all her help.



Welcome to the blogin' word






Oh dear! My editor has arrived. I'm going to have to behave myself now. :P

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