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I can feel the love

I got a really encouraging email from someone who must be reading Bodega Bay on Nifty. Here's an excerpt:


Here I am on chapter 14 and still no clue to where you are going with this piece of shit. Reading this because I liked the name and # of chapters, while having DR. Phil on the TV, in the background. I Wished now that I would have "WASTED" my time watching Dr. Phil's "Man Camp". This story is leading NO WHERE - BULLSHI!.....Jim


My guess is that the guy went to the No Sex section of Nifty by mistake, got mad because there was No Sex (go figure) and lost his temper. Anyway, if you're a reader of mine who's(not whose..see Razor, I do know the difference) easily frustrated by a lack of sex, don't read any of my short stories, and don't read Time In A Bottle.....the ironic part is, if he would have just been patient, he would have come across more sex than he's probably had in all of his pathetic years....but, such is life. :)






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You can't please everybody Nick.


If he is looking for a one-handed story, I'm sure that he can find something on Nifty diaper fetish page that will suit his fantasy... I mean fancy. :rolleyes:

C James




He was looking for a story with sex in it and, poor guy, the phrase "no sex" was just way beyond his reading comprehension level. /sarcasm.


It absolutely stinks that he would send something like that. What a loser, if he has to go to such lengths to make himself feel important.

Guest Kitty


He got mad, and stayed mad as he read fourteen entire chapters. :huh::rolleyes: You're very cruel to make him do that, Nick. :P



What amazes me is that someone would:

* read fourteen chapters (even if they're not really long, and he scans through them, it still takes a while...)

* take the time to email to say he's pissed.


I must have missed a few stories because if I don't get it from chapter 1 (chapter 2 for a writer I know and enjoy), I quit. And I certainly won't bother annoying the guy who offered his work for free whatever I dislike it.


And by the way, I'm still only at chapter 6 of Bodega Bay. Just too sad for me at the moment. And I really wonder where it will go. ;) Stop! Don't tell me!

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